Cat Behavior Problems

Even common cat behavior problems can be tough.

They can sometimes be puzzling and seem almost impossible to solve.

A little insight, however, into the needs of your cat may help you find a solution.

Stress is an important and frequent contributor to both cat illness and behavioral problems.

So, doing what you can to reduce stress in your cat is of primary importance.

Jazzy the cat tears up the toilet paper with text overlay Common Cat Behavior Problems Explained

In addition, some behavior problems may either be aggravated by certain illness symptoms, or be the result of the illness itself.

Be sure to report any changes in behavior or physical appearance to your vet.

Cats Will Be Cats

Cat on scratching post

A scratching post is an essential item for the house.

Cats will be cats. Cats need to scratch.

They need to hunt. They need to play fight, and chase things (like mice, or birds, or you!).

Most of them like to climb and sit up high to survey their territory.

If you see your cat climbing your furniture, resist the urge to lash out.

Cats need to release pent up energy. They also need their space.

They would not ordinarily be living in crowded spaces with all manner of non-cat species (or even other cats, necessarily).

It follows that if we want to get along with and better care for our furry friends, we must learn to understand domestic cat behavior.

Solving a behavior problem involves thinking like a cat. We can prevent future problems by giving your cat whatever environment satisfies her needs.

We can't take a cat, put her in a room day after day with nothing to stimulate her, and expect her to be happy. That's asking way too much of the kitty.

Cats need exercise, and most of them need to exercise their hunting skills, even if you serve them their favorite food on a silver platter every day.

We can't punish a cat for being a cat. In fact, most punishment techniques don't work on cats.

They respond much better to positive reinforcement, including food, praise, affection and play activities. These are the tools that work best for cat behavior training.

Tips on Solving Common Cat Behavior Problems

For the typical house cat, behavior problems are relatively minor. They scratch the furniture here and there. They get into things they shouldn't. They want to get on the other side of a closed door. They jump on the counter, and so on. Below are some of the more common and perhaps more troublesome issues.

Scratching the Furniture

Cat scratching behavior is natural. You can't stop it and you shouldn't try. Even cats that have been declawed will put their paws on an inviting surface and scratch away.

Scratching helps cats remove the old, split, dry outer sheath of the nail as the new nail grows underneath. Scratching also deposits scent markings, which is very important to cats.

Cats feel more secure when the home smells like them, and it's a method of communication between cats.

It's thought by some that scratching also relieve stress, gives your cat a bit of exercise and some stretching along with it, and it probably just feels good.

Solution: Provide a scratching post and toys. Get rid of pent up energy with toys and play sessions. If needed, you can use repellent methods and products on the furniture.

Provide acceptable and appropriate scratching places, including a cat condo and a scratching board (catnip enhanced and prominently placed to encourage usage, of course).

If your cat is climbing the furniture like a tree, offer your cat something else attractive to climb on, and praise her when she does. A tall cat condo is excellent for this.

You can get them equipped with scratching posts, built in toys, and hiding spots. Also make the furniture and areas you don't want your cat to climb on less attractive by using cat safe repellent methods (see Natural Cat Repellent).

Jazzy the cat and I got a new PetFusion scratcher to try out, which seems to have reduced his need to scratch the furniture a bit. You can read how Jazzy liked it here.

More on the cat scratching post, and cat repellent for furniture. To keep cats off sofas, counters, tables, and shelves, you can try electronic cat repellent devices.

Spraying and Marking

Some cat parents will keep their cats outdoors because they complain that they spray. Marking behavior, usually exhibited by backing up to a vertical surface, tail quivering, and releasing urine, is used to mark territory.

Cats that mark territory indoors often either feel threatened by something, or are otherwise stressed. This behavior can be found in both mail and female cats, and is more prevalent in cats that are not spayed or neutered.

Solution: Kittens will often gladly share resources as they learn about the world around them and their housemates. As they get older, however, and reach sexual maturity, things can change.

Playful kittens can turn into scrapping teenagers, and things can get contentious when cats are around 6 months to 4 years old, especially when resources are tight.

Things to do:

  • Spay/neuter is the name of the game.
  • Mediate disputes and give each cat in a multi-cat or multi-pet household their own space and other resources.
  • Provide plenty of attention, affection, and use positive reinforcement.
  • Give your cat a sanctuary area in the house where she can be undisturbed. 
  • Remove any threats to your cat.
  • Use pheromone products, such as Feliway spray and diffusers to calm your cat.

Read more on eliminating cat spraying behavior.

Inappropriate Elimination

Litter box problems have essentially 2 causes, medical or behavioral (or both). Always assume a medical problem first. Resolve that, then deal with behavioral.

A healthy, well-adjusted cat with a clean litter box (clean enough for the cat, that is) will use it.

Solution: A large litter box (a low, but wide box is best for kittens and cats with mobility problems) placed in an easily accessible, but quiet area, on a hard floor is best. Clumping clay litter is usually the top recommendation as it matches the texture preferred by most cats, and is easy to maintain.

Cats generally like loose, sandy soil to eliminate on. If your cat was previously an outdoor cat, however, she may prefer some grass added to the box. Cat Attract can also be added to the litter to encourage box usage.

The 5 O'clock Crazies

Some cat owners will notice that many cats will get up after an afternoon nap and go absolutely nuts. Sometimes they jump all over the furniture they're not supposed to go on, and even climb curtains. This is, of course, perfectly normal, as pent up energies need somewhere to go.

Solution: Don't expect to break your cat of any of her instinctive drives. Allow your cat to run around the house if that's what she needs. I wouldn't expect to totally eliminate this behavior.

You might be able to keep your cat from going totally nuts and being destructive, however, by letting her go a little crazy on a regular basis. Controlled play and exercise sessions are great for both you and your cat.

Give your cat lots of exercise and stimulate the hunting and stalking instincts. Give your cat toys, and lots of them. Rotate out the toys so they seem fresh to your kitty. If your cat brings a toy to her bed, or has a habit of sleeping with a toy, leave that toy available and don't rotate it.

A Scratching board is essential, preferably periodically spiked with catnip or catnip oil (if your cat responds to catnip). Give your cat hiding spots and a bed. Leave treats around the house for your cat to find. You can also get feeders that hide treats and make them like toys.

Trouble Introducing Two Cats

Two cats are better than one, I always say, but how do you introduce them the right way? And... what happens when you don't?

How to introduce a stray cat into the house with another cat?

What happens when you don't do a proper introduction of a new cat to your home, and how to repair the damage. We break down the elements of proper introduction for a reader who moved a bit too fast for his cat's comfort.

Introducing a new kitten to a resident cat without separating them (Need Advice)

Cat Lovers Only readers respond to a question from another reader... Can you introduce a new kitten to a resident cat without separating them in two separate rooms?

Getting Professional Help

If you're unable to resolve your cat's behavior problem yourself, I recommend you enlist the help of a professional who is experienced in cat behavior. Some veterinarians are very skilled at dealing with feline behavioral issues, and others are specifically trained in clinical animal behavior.

These professionals act as pet psychologists and can work with you and your cat (sometimes in your home) to patch things up.

Some of these cat behavior specialists are not veterinarians, but nevertheless are trained to handle cat behavior problems. These folks may sometimes be called cat therapists, and they may have some veterinary training, perhaps as a veterinary technician. Others may be trained in human and animal psychology.

One way to find veterinarians who are also cat behavior specialists is to search the directory of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists.

Aggressive Cats

Aggression is one of the most common cat behavior problems readers ask questions about here at CLO.

Dealing with aggressive behavior in cats that once got along

Here's one reader's question about cats that no longer see eye to eye. When dealing with aggression, should you separate the cats and essentially start over, like they've never met?

My cat attacks my feet

This question is from one of our readers on how to deal with her Maine Coon that has become aggressive with her whenever she leaves the house.

Questions on cat aggression

A compilation of reader questions and answers on aggressive cats.

More on Cat Behavior

Do cats grieve for the loss of another cat?

One of our readers had to have one of her cats put to sleep and her remaining cats were not acting right stopped eating. She asked for some advice about helping her cats get over the loss of their furry friend.

Cats has been crying and seems afraid to go into the bedroom

A reader's cat's behavior suddenly changed. The kitty began "crying in a different cry, and seems to be afraid of going into the bedroom where he has always slept with my father at the foot of his bed."

Does Anyone Else with Multiple Cats Wake Up to a Mess Everyday?

Looking for some advice, Mary asks, "Does anyone else with multiple cats wake up to a mess everyday?" Her cats are having a party each night while she tries to sleep. 

Puzzled by Your Cat's Behavior?

Is your cat's behavior causing problems or confusing you? Tell us about it!

Share a story here about your cat, and get advice from other cat lovers.

Read About Other Cat Behavior Problems

Click on the links below to read about cat behavior problems from other visitors.

Neutered 4-year-old cat and spraying? 
Will a 4-year-old cat that was just neutered spray because he was neutered at an older age? I'm adopting a 4-year-old neutered male cat from a breeder. …

Why cat suddenly so affectionate? 
My cat used to get mad at me for petting him for too long and he never cuddled with me. He always moved away when I came near him while he laid down. But …

My cat keeps licking and biting her belly and and legs 
I just recently adopted my 2-year-old DSH Black cat and upon bringing her home I noticed her legs were balding. After observing her behavior, I saw that …

My cat won’t stop meowing 
My cat is a rescue cat. She was rescued a year ago. She has followed me around meowing all day every day! How can I get her to stop without being mean? …

How should I approach my kitten? 
I have two kittens that are 11 months. The first one is becoming very affectionate and likes to be petted and lay on our laps. He is super friendly and …

Cat aggression toward another cat 
Yesterday our youngest cat (9 months) had to go to the vet due to an emergency (accidental ingestion of prescription pill). When he came back home several …

My cats know how to use their paws like hands 
Hello! I have 3 cats, (tortoiseshell and pastel calico, both sisters and a younger torbie). The pastel calico and torbie are very intelligent. They know …

Cat with broken hind leg 
My cat is a 4yr old female. Four weeks ago she broke her tibia and fibula. It was a clean break. We have filled up every two weeks like we were suppose …

Mother cat aggressive toward her kitten 
I wonder if anyone can help me or have and advice. I have 3 cats altogether. My one cat had a litter and I kept one from it. All my cats got along very …

My cat only wants to hunt 
We got a new cat at the humane society a couple of months ago, so we don't really know his background. He really doesn't act like he wants to go outside, …

Cat terrified of TV 
I just got a new kitty (2 years old) and she is terrified of the TV. I have tried putting on “cat TV” with birds and squirrels etc. but she just hides …

Why is he doing this? 
My male neutered cat has always been a lover boy and sweet as pie, but recently he’s taken to chirruping at me and then running up my body to touch my …

How can I get one cat to socialize with my other cats? 
I have 4 cats, ages 3, 5, and two of them are about 8 years old. I'm not sure of the age of the cat I'm concerned about because she was a stray that showed …

Why do my cats demand attention in the basement? 
I have a great relationship with my cats. They are brother and sister bonded siblings, 10 months old. We have a predictable routine of when they play with …

How long does it take cats to like each other? 
I have two cats. One, Piglet, I got from a friend a year ago. Rome we adopted in January. For the first 5 months, Rome stayed in my room. Piglet would …

How to stop cat from hissing at new cats? 
My cat, about 6 months old, has been non-stop hissing and growling after we got new cats. How can we stop this? I recently adopted a Mom cat and her …

Cat hisses when I try to pick her up 
I have two cats, Maxine and Taz. Picking up Taz isn't a problem, but when it comes to Maxine, it's all hisses and scratches, which is odd because that's …

I need help with a rescued skittish 2 year old 
I rescued 2 cats during the pandemic from an animal shelter. I love them a lot. One of the cats is very loving. The other cat (2 years old) is very fear-based. …

Why is my cat angry? 
My 2-year old female cat is always so angry and aggressive. She is really hostile to her kitten who is now 1 year old. I usually don't separate their living …

Cat suddenly scared of my boyfriend  
One of my cats used to love my boyfriend and would smudge, lick and be fine with him. We live far away from each other so he only comes up every few days …

How can I get my two cats to get along? 
Two of my cats have recently started getting a little aggressive towards one another. One female, one male. The female is older, we have had her for about …

Why is my female cat suddenly aggressive? 
We have 2 female cats inside. Neither are fixed and one just had kittens. Now the other cat is aggressive and mad at us and the other cat! Why, and how …

Cats suddenly not getting along 
My older cat who is indoor-outdoor during the summer months has lived with my other 2 indoor cats for a year. Now my one cat who is just over 1 is a deterrent …

Why has behavior changed in my 4 year old adopted cat? 
Hi! I adopted a 4-year-old female. She is very shy and hid for a while, but then she let me groom and pet her quite freely. Now that she is more comfortable …

Click here to write your own.

How do I keep my cat from constantly walking/running in front of me? 
How do I keep my cat from: Constantly walking/running in front of me? Walking in between my legs/under my feet? Sitting in the middle of the room? …

Why does my 15 year old neutered cat exhibit mating behavior? 
Why is my 15-year-old neutered cat (since a year old) exhibiting mating symptoms (which he does on a soft afghan) every day? Bentley (male neutered since …

Introducing playful kitten to very shy adult cat 
I have a very shy and previously abused adult cat. She doesn't let anyone touch her except for my daughter, but other than that she is just lovely and …

My cat's personality has changed 
My outdoor cat Nova used to adore me, was very vocal and affectionate, always wanting attention, but about a week or two ago she started to change rapidly. …

How do I stop my cat from biting me? 
Recently, my cat has been biting me every morning. I believe it is because he is hungry and wants to eat, but he does it every day at 5 am. I have tried …

Why does my cat hit my partner at night? 
My cat is a 12-year-old sweetheart who loves cuddles, but at night he paws at my girlfriend's face and he does not stop no matter what we do. We go to …

Cat running outside 
I have a 16-month-old female cat. She is a purebred Maine Coon and is spayed. Bella ran outside about a month ago. She tries to get out every day now. …

How can I help my kittens get along? One is hissing at the other 
I brought my female kitten (8 months, spayed) to my parent's house where they have a male kitten (10 months, neutered) and he is perfectly fine and wants …

My sibling kittens that have been raised together are now estranged. Is this normal? 
I rescued what I thought was a tiny 4-week-old feral kitten until I reached down and found an even tinier kitten, with one eye still shut, curled up with …

How do I get my cats to stop knocking everything on the floor? 
I have 3 pixie Bob cats. Mama Kitty and 2 kittens. They are always knocking things off shelves and counters, chewing on toothbrushes, shredding curtains, …

What is the meaning behind this odd behavior? 
I have a male cat and a female cat, both fixed, both 3 years old (4 month difference). They are in no way related, but have been together basically their …

Okay to put kitten in another room to play with cat? 
I got a new kitten a couple of months ago, and both my cats get along. But my kitten takes over playtime every time (she’s 6 months). My older 2-year-old …

Neutered male cat bites newly adopted feral cat's neck. Why? 
I have 2 neutered male cats and just adopted a 9-month-old Feral male who also is neutered. Why is one of the older cats getting on to the back of the …

Cat likes to grab me with her claws out 
I adopted a cat two days ago. She has settled in very well already, eating, drinking, using the litter box all fine. She seems quite happy, rolling around …

Does Feliway spray work? Spraying problem 
I rescued a 7-year-old spayed cat 2 months ago. I already have a 15-year-old spayed cat. Tonight, my old cat started spraying in the house. I am horrified! …

Why is one of my male cats obsessed with smelling my other male cat's behind all of a sudden? 
I have two boy cats who have already met and have gotten along. Now all of a sudden, one of them wants to constantly smell the other's butt every chance …

Why is my cat meowing more than before? 
Please help me by answering. Yesterday I took my cat out (which I usually do not do). After coming in from outside, she is acting weird. She is trilling …

How to train my cat to understand cat social cues? 
My cat, Lorie, a 14-year-old indoor/outdoor rescue I adopted 11 years ago, is extremely curious about other cats. He approaches other cats and follows …

Kitten was timid but now he hides, what should I do? 
My kitten was timid when we got him but now he hides, what should I do? We got our kitten at 8 weeks and he was timid. He warmed up to us and our other …

Why does my cat rub his butt in my face? 
My cat is very affectionate and loving. Frequently, he walks up my body to my chest, rubbing his face and shoulders against my face. This behavior I understand. …

Introducing adult cats, need advice! 
I have two adult cats, 7 years old, one male (Romeo) one female (Tigerlily) raised from kittens. I had to take another two males (Leo and Tigger) from …

Why is my cat hissing for no reason? 
When I pet him and he’s rubbing up against me, he will he purring and seemingly happy. Then he will just let out one lone hiss. But he doesn’t flatten …

Why does my cat lick my clothes whenever I pet her? 
Whenever I pet her, my female calico cat closes her eyes, licks my clothes and acts like she's a kitten. Why does she do this?

Territorial sibling cats 
I have 2, 6-year-old cats, Ruben and Richard. They are both male and are from the same litter. They were outdoor cats during the day and indoor cats at …

Why does my cat want hand feeding his dry food? 
My Maine Coon kitten is 5 months old and has only been with me for 3 days. I was very worried on the first day as he ate next to nothing. Then on the second …

Click here to write your own.

Why doesn't my cat show me affection at all? 
My 5-month-old kitten, Charlie, has NEVER shown me affection. I found him when he was very little in my backyard. He was the only one in the litter …

Cat acting strange after fight 
My 2-year-old timid cat recently got beat up real bad by a neighbor's cat. The minute we got home, he has since clawed at the doors to get out of the house …

How can I help my senior kitty get over his separation anxiety? 
I recently got a camera that sends notifications to my cell when there is sound detected at my house while I'm away. I was shocked to discover that my …

My cat keeps yelling 
I found him about 4 days ago when I went to dinner with family at a restaurant. Two staff members were putting him in a bag and heavily mistreating him. …

Angry cat and other cat's kittens? 
We have 2 cats who got along fine, even licked each other. Well, one gave birth to three kittens, and our other cat wasn't fond of them at all. She'd …

Sister won't let brother play 
I adopted two 13-year-old bonded cats, a brother and sister. They are both amazingly youthful and well behaved. No health issues aside from their teeth …

Is this normal introduction behavior? 
Two weeks ago I introduced my 3-year-old cat, Cleo to a 3-month-old kitten named Nef. Cleo, my older cat has always been very loving, but shy. When …

How long until a kitten and older cat become more adjusted to each other? 
How long will it take for my kitten to calm down and my older cat to become more adjusted? My older male cat is 6 years old and prior to us having a kitten, …

How to deal with an angry cat? 
My grandson had this cat for about a month or so. She had a litter of kittens and they found homes for them after 10 weeks. I took her and had her spayed …

Why is my cat rough with other people? 
With me, my cat is not violent. With other people, however, she can go from being affectionate to scratching them in a second. These are people she's …

Since my husband's surgery, our cat is totally ignoring him. What's up? 
BB is a 6-year-old, female house/outdoor cat. She's in great health, secure, loved and obeyed! She is very connected to my husband and me. Two weeks …

Why does the cat we found not play with toys? 
Why does the cat we found not play with anything and only want to be pet? We found a cat outside our warehouse. He is super friendly and sweet but all …

Our cat becomes aggressive after eating 
Our cat lives in two homes, mine and my son's, who lives next door. After eating at my house, she becomes aggressive, growling and hissing if approached. …

Why does my girl meow all night? 
She's 9, was a feral kitten and little by little (it took nearly 5 years), she comes to me for loving and trusts me. I cried the first time she got on …

New kitten terrorizing older cat after 7 months 
I have had cats all my life, along with lizards, snakes, fish, frogs, rats, and hamsters, and I love animals. I got a cat that was captured from the neighborhood …

How do I stop my cat from playfully biting me? 
Please help me stop my cat from playfully biting me. My male tabby cat is about one year old and he is neutered. He is strictly indoors, but he has a very …

How do I keep my cat from attacking my toddler? 
My cat only likes me, and frequently attacks others. My toddler is gentle and doesn't seem too interested in the cats in general. When my toddler joins …

My Siamese kitten won't let me sleep! 
My kitten is about eight months old and is a joy to be around. He has two siblings that he loves to play with and snuggle. I did my research before adopting …

Why is my female cat acting like she doesn't remember my male cat? 
My male cat, Frank, loves to go outside. My female cat, Asia, does not, so she just stays inside and watches. Usually, I'll carry him around for a little …

How to get my cat to stop painfully play biting? 
I've had my rescue cat for about seven months now, and there's no giving him up for adoption for a minor issue. However, when the issue does arise it can …

Why is my female cat suddenly hissing and growling at my male cat? 
We have two cats that have been living together and getting along for six years. The male cat has been given a sedative and tomorrow he will go for surgery …

Cat suddenly swatting my hand 
I have an outdoor/garage cat that I’ve had for the past two years. He suddenly becomes excited (can tell by body language, tail, posture, etc.) when I …

How can I stop Toms from picking on older queen? 
It's a long backstory, but I have a nine-year-old queen, part feral, who prefers to be by herself. I also have four-year-old brothers, one of whom has …

My cat runs away when I try to pet it 
My cat runs away when I try to pet it, but lies down to expose its belly about six feet away.

Cat randomly started acting strangely 
My fiance and I took in a stray after months of her coming up to us and always wanting us to pet her. She's very sweet but would never want to come inside. …

Click here to write your own.

How do I get my cat to like me? 
My cat always stares at me and her eyes look very unfriendly. When I walk toward my cat, she walks away. The quicker I walk to her, the quicker she walks …

How long does maternal cat aggression last? 
My nice and well behaved Siamese delivered her first litter 6 weeks ago. We had a very strong bond. She would sleep with me and I was her favorite human. …

How do I get my cat to sit in my lap or to lay with me? 
My cat shows some very strange affection behavior that I have never seen before. The cat is a male, named Oatmeal, and is about 2.5 years old. For as …

Any tips to stop a kitten from chewing cords? 
I have a beautiful kitten named Daisy who is about three months old. I found her abandoned when she was only a week or so old (eyes still shut and a tiny …

My kitten is fearful of things? 
I've recently adopted a three-month-old male kitten who had been living in abysmal conditions for the past months. He was caged the whole time, dirty, …

How do I ease my cat’s anxiety over ceiling fans? 
When we moved a few months ago, I realized my cat was deathly afraid of the ceiling fans at the new place. I did as much research as I could and incorporated …

Why does my cat attack my hand when I try to play with toys? 
I'll start this off by saying I'm pretty sure my cat has some form of anxiety. We got him off the street as a young kitten (and I mean middle of the road …

Why won’t my cat play fetch anymore? 
I have two Maine Coon mix rescues that are siblings. They have been with each other since they were born and we adopted them together. They have always …

How do I get my cat to be less timid? 
My male cat, Oliver was found when he was approx 3 months old. He lived with my mom, dad, two sisters and I for a few years until I moved out into an apartment. …

Why is my cat refusing to come downstairs? 
Last year (November 2017), I took in three kittens and they grew up in my home. One of them, Tuck, would wait for me to come home next to the door. Then …

How to introduce stray cat to dog and resident cat? 
I have a little bit of a complicated situation here. In my household I have a 3-year-old female cat we got from the shelter when she was two months old. …

Why has my kitten's sweet disposition changed? 
Four months ago I got two kittens, a male and female, 2 months old. Both have been spayed and neutered and had their rabies shots. They were not related, …

My cat escaped after move 
It's been nearly 15 days since my cat escaped from our new home and ran back to the area where we lived. Someone informed me that my cat has been hanging …

Can two sister cats learn to get along again? 
Can two sister cats learn to get along and be friendly again? I have two sister cats who have been living together since birth, but after we took them …

Male cat suddenly a jerk sometimes 
I've got a 1 1/2 year old fixed male Tabby. He's always been very feisty and a big Mama's boy who follows me everywhere. About two months ago, I got …

Cat Aggression 
My cat gets fed in the morning and then wants to go out. He stopped using the litter tray after about six months, although I still keep it clean and available. …

Why is my cat suddenly spooked by everything outside? 
I leash trained my kitten at around 5 months old (he's almost 8 months now). He loved it and would beg to go outside. In the past month, almost every …

How do I stop my cat from trying to go outside? 
I need some advice with our cat. She's a stray that one day showed up in our house and just decided to stay. She stays in the house a lot, but every so …

Can cats be depressed? 
Two days ago one of our two cats was hit by a car and died. His brother, our other cat, seems depressed. They are/were 13 years old. What can we do about …

How do I stop older cat from chasing younger one? 
I have two 2 year olds and a 1 year old male. A few months ago, I brought my 10 year old female down and introduced them slowly. Now the older female is …

Why does my cat hiss at my other kitten after 2 months? 
Why does my cat hiss at my other kitten after two months of interacting? My older cat is sometimes OK with my new kitten and sometimes not. She sometimes …

My cat will not let me pick her up to carry her 
My cat is great and loves to sit on my lap, but she will not let me pick her up to carry her. When I try to carry her the claws come out and she wiggles …

Why does my cat yell? 
I have a neutered male cat, aged 5 years old. I adopted him with his brother when they were both kittens. Unfortunately, his brother died in May this year …

Why does my cat splash water onto the floor before drinking? 
My 12-year-old cat puts her paw into her bowl and splashes the water onto the floor and drinks it from the floor. This only started about two weeks ago, …

Why does my grandmother's cat hiss at me? 
My grandmother's cat hisses at me every time I move. But when I’m on the couch, she comes over and rubs against me and I brush her and give her treats. …

Click here to write your own.

My cat is acting strangely with my kitten 
I have an 8-month-old cat, and a kitten I found abandoned under my home. The older cat has wanted nothing to do with the kitten since I have had him until …

A question about cat dominance 
I have two kittens and try to play with them everyday as long as they are too young to go outside. They also play with each other, so that's good. But …

After move, older cat hissing at younger cat 
We have two cats. One is 3 years old, the other is just under a year. After living together in a flat since October last year, we've recently moved into …

Fighting between 2 brother cats 
My two house cats were on the back porch. They saw a stray cat outside. Then they started fighting with each other. Major hissing, growling, etc. Why …

How do I stop my cats from fighting? 
I have three cats, all rescued from bad situations. All are fixed females. The oldest was about a year old when we got two small kittens. She was fixed …

What do I do about a cat with extreme anxiety? 
I’ve had my female cat since she was 2 weeks old and she is now 6 years old. I rescued her, her mother, and her sister at the same time and kept them all. …

My newly adopted 3 month old cat has regressed in socializing 
Two weeks ago, we adopted a 3-month-old semi-stray kitten. I say semi-stray because her mother was a stray cat that gave birth in our friend's garden, …

Kitten keeps us awake after learning annoying meow 
I have a 13-week-old kitten we've had for three weeks now. She's a mongrel but she looks like an Abyssinian and acts like one. When she was alone she used …

My male kitten licks or sucks the stomach of my female kitten 
My male kitten licks or sucks the stomach of the female kitten all the time. It irritates the female sometimes and sometimes she doesn’t care. Why does …

Cat is biting his brother's back 
I have four cats. There are three house cats, and then there's Lightning. Lightning has been a handful since I got him at 7 weeks. Definitely a behavioral …

Why does my cat knead and then bite me? 
Almost every night my cat will get on my stomach while I’m lying in bed. He’ll use all four paws to step on me kind of like he’s kneading. If I try to …

Cat acting out over an event 
A week ago tomorrow, our oldest cat peed on our dog bed. My husband punished the older cat by putting him in the cat carrier for a bit. Well, the cat …

My kitten is attacking my new kitten! 
I currently have a male kitten of 12 weeks, and have owned him for two weeks now. Yesterday, I got another kitten, a female of 7 weeks to keep him company …

Falls asleep on lap then gets up and moves 
My kitten is very affectionate. She frequently comes over to me for loving and cuddles, then she falls asleep on my lap or chest. What I don't understand …

Stray cat with odd temperament 
About a month ago, a stray cat began to visit my yard. I live in the city, so strays are pretty common, and most people (including myself) leave food out …

1 cat of 2 wants all the attention 
I adopted two kittens the same month and they are about three months apart. They are now 3 years old. Snicker started out to be dominant, but the two …

Cat doesn’t want to be pet after bringing in new kitten? 
Hello! I’ve had my cat for about eight years and she has lived with dogs and one other cat before. I recently moved out of my parent’s house (yay college) …

Will my cat accept the new kitten? 
I have a 6-year-old cat, Smokey, and we adopted an 8-week-old kitten, Freya. The first day, I kept Freya in a separate room so she could get used to the …

Why does my cat bite my new kitten? 
My resident cat who's 7 months old (male) has been attacking our 9 week old kitten. We got her almost three weeks ago, and for two weeks we slowly introduced …

Why won't my cat go to sleep at night without me? 
I have really bad insomnia so I don't go to sleep until 2 or 3 am or later, so I stay up working until I'm sleepy. The problem is that my cat (Marshmallow) …

My cat rips up the carpet 
I found a cat two years ago. He was about 4 months old. We had him neutered and chipped, and his shots are up to date. He stayed out all night and came …

My cat has suffered a complete personality change 
My cat was a stray my mom found near her work. He's around a year-and-a-half and we've had him for around eight months. He used to be the most playful, …

My cat is acting up and I think it's because of the new kitten? 
I have a two year old adult female cat who has been a beloved only child for myself and my roommate for a while now. She was abandoned by her previous …

How long will it take for my cats to adjust to a new home? 
How long will it take for my cats to fully adjust to a new home environment? Relating to my question, I moved into my new house out of a one bed flat. …

When will my kitten get along with my two other cats? 
When will my recently fixed kitten get along with my two other fixed cats? My kitten, who I got at two months old, got along with my fixed female and male …

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Weird cat behavior at night 
I have a half Siamese and half calico cat that we think was weened too early. She used to only love me and will let no one pet her other than my fiancée, …

New mother cat mean and aloof 
My cat Lucky is the sweetest thing ever. When she had her fourth litter of kittens, we kept one and named it Franny. We never have kept one before, but …

Will my cat ever become less skittish? 
I am a new cat owner. I am 19 years old and adopted a 10 week old kitten who was once feral at the end of June. When I visited her at the shelter she wouldn't …

Moody male cat 
We have a brother and sister that are almost 3 years old. The female is loving to every person she meets. The male, on the other hand, is the opposite. …

Our cat has stopped eating from her bowl without encouragement 
Our cat is elderly, a good 16 years. She is in good health according to the vet. She is and has been spoiled all her life, but until recently would eat …

Male cat's interest in my female kitten 
I have a 10 month old cat. But recently I brought home a 5 month old female kitten to be his mate. He gets use to her but wants to bite her neck and …

My cats decided to fight all night 
For a week now I have kept the two cats separated. They take turns in a dog kennel where they can see each other and in the rest of the house. One …

My cat wants to be the only one! 
Dolly was 6 weeks old when I rescued her. I already had Ramey who was about 9, and he raised Dolly. However, as she got older, she didn't seem to want …

My older male cat is licking my female baby kitty 
I have a male neutered cat not quite a year old. I have gotten a female kitten, she is 9 weeks old. He play bites her, never hurts her. Now he has started …

How to introduce a stray cat into the house with another cat? 
Anyone with experience introducing a stray cat into the house with another cat? I brought in an abandoned cat about four weeks ago and my inside cat …

My cat is a slob 
We recently moved into a new house and of course I dragged all my outside cats with me. I have 3 feeding places for them in case the neighborhood cats …

Is my cat pining? 
I got two kittens nearly a year ago. Sadly, one was run over last week--the tom--and the female is meowing all the time and pacing around the house literally …

My cat is my shadow 
My cat, Charlie, follows me everywhere, from the shower to bed he is always with me. I didn't mind it much at first but now it is getting quite annoying. …

Odd tail chasing 
I own two cats, Frodo and Raphael, from the same litter. Frodo is very talkative, playfully aggressive, and seems to be the more intelligent of the two …

My cat torments my dog 
We got Pal (the dog) when he was a puppy and about a year later decided to get a cat. We went to the pound and looked around for the perfect match. Alliegh …

My cat has a biting obsession 
My male cat Marley has started this thing where he meows and lunges either at my feet or my arms and bites me. He wont let go, he'll just keep a hold …

Still nursing 
Spot was being tossed around like a bean bag, by a group of boys who were walking down the street in front of my job. She was only 3 or 4 weeks old, and …

My cat has stopped eating from her dish & will only eat out of my hand! 
I'm puzzled by this... my 3 yr. old female (Graycie) stopped eating her food from her dish about 4 weeks ago. The only way she'll eat is if I put the …

My Cat Kneads Me All The Time 
I know they say when a kitten is younger it may knead because of nursing. My little kitty was found outside. From the moment I picked him up he started …

Will my cat hate me now? 
I recently adopted a cat from a shelter. I've been a dog person my whole life. I know next-to-nothing about cats. Well, recently, I moved into a house …

Is my cat seeking attention or jealous? 
Is he seeking attention or jealous? He is meowing and going around to certain places in the house and knocking over papers onto the floor. What does …

My kitten is terrified of us humans! What can we do? Not rated yet
We got this beautiful pure black kitten about 6 months ago and so far he is getting along great with the other animals in the house, but every time he …

Recently neutered cats getting along Not rated yet
I have three male cats (among some older fixed ones). Two of the cats are littermates and 18 months old. The other cat is 3 years old. I just recently …

My cat Shadow is always swiping or hissing at my cat Marley Not rated yet
I have two cats, Marley (female) who is about 4 years old. Then I have Shadow (male) who is about 9 and a half years old. I’ve had them both all their …

Is there a way to get my male cat to sleep? Not rated yet
I adopted a brother and sister pair of cats. They are now a year old. I got them when they were 8 months old. The female is timid and pretty laid back, …

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One cat chasing the other out of bedroom? Not rated yet
I have two cats (sisters) that I have had for four years. I adopted these two kitties at 6 weeks from a family giving away kittens. They have always gotten …

Kitten biting issues? Not rated yet
I have a 12-week-old kitten who won’t seem to quit biting at all body parts. First it was just hands, but now she attacks feet, legs, hair, etc. Normally …

How do I get my adult cat to like my kitten? Not rated yet
My boyfriend and I have two cats. One is 1 year and 9 months old and our kitten is 6 months old. We’ve had our kitten for two months now and our adult …

Why does my cat attack my legs in a certain chair? Not rated yet
My cat seems to feel like she needs to attack my legs when I sit in my computer chair. My family and I feel like she's offended by it somehow. She's …

Cat chewing electrical cords Not rated yet
I have two male cats. I'm not sure which one is doing it, but they are chewing my electrical cords on my new TV. They are now taped temporarily with electrical …

A True Scaredy Cat! Not rated yet
My one cat (Simone) is approximately 3 years old. I got her when she was about 4 months old from someone who found her and her 3 siblings in her yard - …

My cat is chewing on cords Not rated yet
Will someone tell me how to stop this problem of chewing on cords? Editors' note: Some cats are chewers for sure. In young cats, s/he may be …

My Cat's Strange Water Problem  Not rated yet
I have a cat with a strange problem that I can't seem to correct. Late at night while I am sleeping or when I am watching TV, my cat contaminates the water …

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