I need help with a rescued skittish 2 year old

by Nancy Sell
(Dayton, OHIo)

I rescued 2 cats during the pandemic from an animal shelter. I love them a lot. One of the cats is very loving. The other cat (2 years old) is very fear-based. Sometimes she lets me pet her for a while but then she gets skittish! I want to train her to be a loving cat and not so scared. Any ideas?

Don't have a good picture.

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It can take a long time
by: Jim W.

It's hard to know the history of a cat like that, and it can take a long time for a cat to get used to you and your home. Some experts say it can take up to 2 years for a cat to get comfortable in a new location. Your cat hasn't even been alive that long.

I've had cats that took many years to slowly become less and less skittish. It takes a lot of patience. I would simply treat her well and give her time. Let her come around to you and settle in at her own pace.

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