My cat is a rescue cat. She was rescued a year ago. She has followed me around meowing all day every day! How can I get her to stop without being mean?
My Luna does the constant following thing and meowing. It's usually worse summer to fall and less though still happens in the colder months. It seems to follow the heat cycle, and Luna is spayed but her vet says when the rescue spayed her they might have missed some ovary or uterine tissues which could happen, and she would have a heat although a lot lighter. She hangs on me during this and thunderstorms that r especially bad. I have to say though, be careful, because mine will do it if she thinks she can get another snack out of me. Especially if I'm sick.
Does anything satisfy her? by: Jimmy J.
Have you found anything that satisfies her? Can you figure out what she might want? Treats? Food? Play? A window seat or perch? Has the vet checked her out recently and confirmed that she's healthy? I would consider getting her a companion cat as well.
Last year, when I moved to a new home, there was this little cat—probably 2 or 3 months old. I used to feed him in the yard, but after some time, the neighbors
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