How do I get my cat to like me?

by Anonymous

My cat always stares at me and her eyes look very unfriendly. When I walk toward my cat, she walks away. The quicker I walk to her, the quicker she walks away from me.

Whenever she is lying down, I can pat her, but after 5 seconds, she'll start making a whining noise. If I continue touching her, she will hiss and walk away. If I start following her, she'll run away.

I have a toy where there's a mouse tied to a string. When I use it to play with her, she will use her nails to hold on to the mouse and start growling until I let go.

If I don't let go, she will start hissing, but won't move. She will also chew on the mouse while still growling before hissing and walking away.

The only time she is nice to me is the first hour or so after I wake up in the morning. Sometimes, however, she'll rub her head against my hand.

She sits next to me sometimes too, but as soon as I touch her, she will walk away immediately.

Before anyone tells me the cat will come to me if I leave it alone, it won't. I tried it for a couple of weeks. I completely ignored her and she completely ignored me.

What should I do?

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cat 2 like you
by: Anonymous

Speak softly, pet her/him, head butt with him/her,
give her/him water & food.
Respond to his/her meows.
Should be OK.

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