Need Help Solving Cat Urine Problems?

Cat urine problems leave your house smelling bad, and you and your cat at odds. In order to resolve them, it's important to understand that there are two main types of urination problems in cats.

The first falls under what we'd call inappropriate urination, and the second is what's often referred to as spraying or marking behavior.

The causes of these two types of problems are different, and the solutions are different as well.

The first step, then, in dealing with urine problems in cats is to determine which of the two main problem types we're dealing with. Only then can you begin to solve the problem.

Submit your question on cat urine problems.

Jazzy the cat's face with text overlay Cat Urination Problems (Questions and Answers)

Quick Facts About Cat Urine Problems

1. Many cats will urinate outside the litter box in response to a medical problem. The problem could be related to the urinary tract, bladder, or kidneys, or it could be something completely unrelated (such as diabetes).

2. Another key factor is stress. If something is wrong in your cat's world, this can throw him or her off the box.

3. For male cats, a blockage is life threatening. If your male cat stops urinating, please seek veterinary advice as soon as possible.

4. Encourage your cat to drink more water. This is important because many cats don't drink enough and are often chronically dehydrated.

This can lead not only to urination related litter box problems, but long term, can cause kidney damage. Many cat parents report increased urine volume after switching to wet food and following simple tips, such as:

  • Keep food and water bowls a fair distance from each other.
  • Provide multiple water bowls.
  • Get a drinking fountain as cats tend to prefer moving water over still water.

5. Monitor your cat. You can't know what your cat's situation is unless you use clumping litter and scoop the litter box often. This will keep you on top of your cat's urine habits.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should cats pee?

There's no definitive answer for this as it varies based on how much water is consumed, whether or not your cat eats wet or dry food, level of exercise, and other factors.

Generally speaking, though, anywhere from two to five times a day is within the normal range for most cats. It's important to learn what's normal for your cat, and then watch for changes.

If your cat suddenly starts producing less urine volume, this may be a sign of trouble.

My cat's urine seems to be pink or red. Why is that?

Some medications or supplements can alter the color of urine. But, if you see light red or pink urine, or even a dark red or brown color, there may be blood in your cat's urine.

There are various possible causes for this, but it takes a veterinarian to diagnose the problem, and your cat may stop using the litter box until the problem is solved.

Sometimes, it takes more than one vet visit, as was the case with Sage's feline idiopathic cystitis. FIC is inflammation of the bladder where the cause is unknown.

How long can a cat hold their urine?

According to All Feline Hospital, cats can hold their urine for a surprisingly long time, up to 24-48 hours.

My cat hasn't peed all day, should I call the vet?

If the day comes when my cat hasn't urinated in 24 hours, I'll assume something is wrong and call the vet.

I usually clean the cat box two to three times a day, and I always make sure that my cat is urinating regularly. Again, I can't emphasize enough the dangers of blockage in male cats.

My cat seems to be urinating a lot more than usual. Why?

If your cat's urine output increases, your cat may be ill and needs to see the vet. Diabetes and hyperthyroidism are two of the diseases that can cause excessive thirst and urination.

Have A Cat Urine Problem?

Is your cat urinating outside the litter box?

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You and others can comment, and vote on submissions so that other readers can know which solutions work most often.

Check back here in a while to see your post as submissions need to be approved. I'll do my best to get to them as soon as possible.

Urine Problems from Other Visitors

Click below to see problems posted by other visitors to this page...

Identifying which cat is urinating  
We have 3 cats and for the last 7 months or so one of them has been randomly urinating on clothes on the bathroom floor, in duffle bags and in one particular …

4 month old male kitten pee and shake 
My Kitten (4 Months old, Male, British short hair) is peeing outside the box and while peeing he is meowing loudly (usually he don't meows at all) and …

Why has my 11 year old cat started peeing in the house? 
11 year old cat has been around a five year old and a 7 month old cat and is just now starting to try to pee all over the house.

My cat is peeing in a different spot in the litter box 
This might be a really stupid question, but Nemo is my first cat and I just want to be sure that everything is fine. So I’ve had Nemo for 2 years and he’s …

Previously had a cat who peed everywhere but now getting new kitten 
I lost my cat not long ago and I am now getting a new kitten next week. I’m just a bit worried as I think the smell of the pee is still there. Will my …

Declawed cat urinating on carpet, but goes #2 in box 
My sister adopted a cat a few years ago. At the time she adopted it she had one cat at home. The cat she adopted was declawed (by previous owners). She …

10 year old female suddenly peeing everywhere but the litter box 
My 10-year-old spayed female has been peeing all over the place for the past 10 days. No new food, no new cats, no new furniture, no change of litter or …

Female cat Peeing on bathroom rug but going #2 in litter box? 
We have 2 cats who have grown up together: a 16-year-old male and a female, Sasha, almost 15 years old. Sasha has suddenly started peeing on my husband's …

Defiant urinating on bed, furniture, etc. 
We have three other cats, but this cat, Zeus, has developed a defiant attitude. We have had him for about two years. He and one of our other cats, (a …

Cat urinating in dog bowl and on microwave door 
One of my 3 cats is urinating in the dog water bowl and now on the microwave door! The only thing different is the new living room and kitchen furniture …

Why would a cat urinate on the rubber mat? 
My cat has urinated on the rubber mat where her food and water dishes are twice. Why would a cat urinate on the rubber mat where her food and water are? …

Symptoms are confusing 
My cat has never had a problem using the box, until recently. A month ago, she peed on a towel she had been lying on. Then she was normal until this morning. …

Cat is peeing on her butt and hind legs in the litter box 
Problem: I just got a 2-year-old female cat, and when she pees in the litter box, she comes out with pee all over her butt and hind legs. This isn’t a …

Female cat with previous UTI peeing in her bed 
I have two littermate cats that are 13.5 years old. They have enjoyed their individual beds for years. Last year one cat had a UTI and peed first in her …

Cat pees too close to box edge and it runs out 
Trixie is a 4-year-old female spayed cat. She faithfully uses her box. Within the last year, she has begun to pee soo close to the side of the box that …

Female cat peeing on the tiles 
I have 2 cats, a boy and a girl, and two litter boxes. Even when I clean out the litter box my girl cat still pees on the tiles. I have tried to clean …

Cat peeing on litter catching mat 
I got a kitten a few weeks ago. He is about three months now. When he uses his own litter box he is totally fine, everything normal. On my older cat's …

Female cat constantly runs to the litter box to pee but can't 
Casey will go back and forth probably 10+ times in a 30-minute span to the litter box and try to pee, but only gets a couple of drops to come out but that's …

Uses litter box for defecation but will not use it to urinate in 
This issue just started a few weeks ago. My female cat is old - somewhere between 12 - 15 years of age (she showed up at our house one morning and stayed). …

Battle of the litter box! 
A roommate with a cat moved in with us, and we have a cat. Our cat and the new cat each have their own spaces and litter boxes. The new cat doesn't like …

My cat doesn't know how to pee 
I'm having a problem with my kitten. He's almost six months old but has a really big problem whenever he uses the litter box. Every time he goes to …

Which cat has orange pee? 
I have two cats. One is a year old male and the other is a 4-month-old female. Today I found pee on the ground, one being reddish/orange and beside it …

Cat not using the litter box all the time 
I have a 5-year-old cat. He was a rescue that is still skittish from time to time. For the last couple of years, my cat has peed outside of his litter …

8 year old cat urinating as he walks out of litter box 
I have two cats and one kitten (2 months old). My cats are 8 and 6 years old. Since we got my 8 year old four years ago, he has been having litter box …

Click here to write your own.

New adult male cat urinating around the house 
How do I stop a new adult male cat from urinating around the house? I am a cat person and have two cats of my own, a 10-year-old medium hair tuxedo female, …

Cat urinates in box and in front of box 
I have a 12 year old calico I adopted about 6 months ago from a neglected home where she was also fully declawed. She has extreme anxiety, and I’ve been …

Cat in and out of litter tray before eventually peeing 
My 10-year-old female cat has started going in the litter tray, then coming back out without peeing. She is also going longer spells without peeing and …

Why is my cat urinating outside litter box? 
About a year ago, I rescued four young female kittens. They are still unaltered. Recently, I have noticed very strong smelling urine in places that it …

15 year old cat peeing in every corner of the house 
My 15 year old cat is drinking too much and peeing outside the box, and in every corner of the house. He's never done this before! He's drinking water …

13 year old Persian Himalayan cat peeing everywhere 
My 13 year old, indoor, spayed Persian Himalayan cat is consistently peeing everywhere in the house, but the Vet said he is healthy. I am losing my mind. …

My cat is peeing on me at night 
Last week, my mom's cat peed on her once one night, but used the box during the day. Now, just last night, she peed on her again at night while in bed. …

Urinating outside the litter box, but right near it 
My sister's cat is 18 years old. She is using the litter box for No. 2, but is not urinating in the box. She is urinating right near the box outside …

20 year old cat urinating on counter top 
20 yr old female, spayed at age 1. Began urinating on kitchen counter top. Using foil to deter her from getting up. What could cause her to start this? …

4 month old Persian kitten peeing outside the litter box 
My kitten is named Smokey (male), who is 4 months old. He has no issues in eliminating feces in a litter box, but recently he has started peeing outside …

Indoor senior neutered male cat started urinating on throw rugs 
A friend of mine has a beautiful long-haired, senior, indoor, neutered male cat, (isn't this an oxymoron? Male cats that are "fixed" are NEUTERED, females …

Neutered Kitten Peeing on Bed 
My kitten Mowgli, and yes he is a monkey. He is 4.5 months old, really behaved kitten. He has two dogs as his best friends, indoor only. I have wanted …

2 year old neutered male cat is peeing in the fireplace 
I think it is because a previous cat who developed a bladder cancer previously left his scent there. (Cosmo is half of a bonded sibling pair and has no …

My cat is urinating on the couch 
My 1 year old cat sometimes pees on the couch. How can I stop that? I tried everything. Clean clean litter boxes, 3 of them, and maybe once a day or …

Constant urine outside of box yet using box too! 
We rescued a kitten that was thrown through a broken window in an empty basement at a rental property. Just a kitten. We already had a cat three years …

Cat urinating on our bedding and wife's clothing 
Our 7 year old female is just urinating on our bedding and my wife's clothes if left on the edge of the bed. She does go to the litter box for her main …

Kitten driving me insane 
I have 2 five month old male litter mates. They have been neutered. One is content and has never had any litter box problems. The other took a little longer …

16 year old neutered male cat started urinating in the house 
My cat was given to me by my neighbor a few years ago. He is 16 now. He was outdoor only when she gave him to us and that was good because my husband is …

Blood and Slimy White/Yellow Stuff? 
I was playing with my kittens, Taylor and Tyler, when Tyler suddenly started meowing continuously. We were on the carpet so Tyler went on the tiled floor …

New mom cat in heat is peeing 
My cat had 2 kittens a fortnight ago. I am aware that I cannot have her de-sexed for another 4 weeks. She is on heat and just peed all over the couch, …

My 15 year old calico won't use her litter box 
My cat is a 15 year old calico who is domestic... but she can be a little bit of a bitch at times! My cat is refusing to use her litter box and my dog …

Cat peeing on floor whenever we leave for a few days 
Our cat uses the litter box faithfully except when we leave the house for a few days. We have someone to feed her and clean out the box while we are gone. …

Male cat is peeing everywhere? 
I have a male domestic outside cat. It's now winter and he is peeing inside on our objects which is quite unusual. Last year he did a similar thing but …

My cats are urinating at the front door 
Hi, We have 2 cats, 1 male and 1 female. We have had them all their lives (6 and a half years) and ever since we got them they have never sprayed or urinated …

My cat has been urinating all over my clothes 
My cat has been urinating all over my clothes, suitcases, and sleeping bag. I have traveled to Germany from Canada with my little feline cat. It …

Click here to write your own.

Loves the kitchen and rugs 
My 15 year old male has recently (almost 3 weeks now), decided that he does not want to leave my kitchen. I am at my wit's end because it's starting …

10 year old fixed male cat urinating on counters 
Normal 10-11 year old male cat has decided to begin urinating on the counter in our kitchen. The litter box is cleaned daily. We have the litter box …

5 out of 8 cats marking - urinating outside the box 
OK! I've really REALLY HAD IT!!! I'm afraid to say this but here goes. I am the proud parent of um... 8 cats. Yes 8! They are all fixed. They, not …

6 cats, one doesn't use the litter box 
I have 6 cats and two litter boxes. When we used Fresh Step litter, two of my oldest cats would poop in the living room and kitchen. Then we changed …

My cat pees everywhere! At my wit's end 
My male cat is 10 months old. We have two, his mom and him. I've found his pee spots all over... pillows I had in a corner, the kids logos and dolls, my …

My kitten is peeing on the couch and the bed 
We just adopted two new Burmese kittens (approximately 11 weeks old). One of them uses the litter box with no issues. The other seems more "stressed" …

My cat pees on the rug while we sleep! 
We recently relocated to another state, and are temporarily staying in a camper. My cat has moved with me many times in the past, and I never had any …

Multiple cats urinating and marking? 
Greetings We have a 5 cat household, and they are all spayed and neutered... 4 males and one female. For the past few months we have noticed our one …

15 year old cat has always urinated outside of her litter box 
I brought home a stray cat 14 years ago whom I love very much. However, I have always had issues with her urinating outside of her box. For the first …

Cat peeing on hard surfaces 
In the last 3-4 years (he's six) my male cat has starting peeing on hard surfaces, no carpets, and sometimes pooping on them. He prefers if there is …

Weird male cat behavior 
I never grew up with pets other than fish or birds, so I am totally lost at why my 4 year old male grey tabby Joey has twice now either sprayed me or peed …

Part Manx kitten is incontinent 
Our part Manx kitten, is incontinent. Occasionally dribbles, but almost always, when he's sleeping. Covering his sleeping areas with the waterproof pads …

One of my cats urinates in the water bowl 
One of my cats (which one) urinates in the water bowl. Why? How can I stop this behavior? We have five inside cats, all males, ranging in age from 3 …

My cat gets in the litter box and pees outside of it! 
It's the weirdest thing! We have the litter box that looks like a globe and it rotates. So, he will get in and turn his bottom towards the inside like …

Cat peeing on floor right next to litter box 
Our cat, about 8 years of age, started peeing on the floor next to her litter box about a year ago. She will still use it for other reasons, but it …

My cat poops in the litter box, but will not pee in it 
My cat, Max, only pees in the litter box the first day of new litter, otherwise he refuses. The litter can be scooped daily and he will still pee on the …

Our Cat Urinates on the Kitchen Floor in the Same Place 
Hello, Patches, one of our four cats, consistently urinates on our kitchen floor in the same area. She is a beautiful long-haired Calico cat. She …

My cat has started urinating outside the litter box in the same location every time 
I have a 6-month-old female I have raised since she was 2 weeks old. Her mother deserted her. I nursed her on a bottle until she was old enough to eat …

My cat pees in my room or in front of bedroom door 
I moved out of my mother's house and into an apartment in November, and the first few months I had NO problems with my cat. Recently, my grandma was …

Problem: my cats pee all over the house 
I have 2 cats in a small apartment, they have a litter box and do use it at times but are still urinating all over the house, mainly the front door entrance …

Pees while standing... burying behavior at food bowl 
Hello, My cat seems to be confused about a few things. She stands while peeing and the pee often goes over the edge of the box. I bought a tall box which …

My cat urinates at back door Not rated yet
My almost 7-year-old male cat has stopped using the litter box. We moved house 7 months ago, and he stopped using the litter box 2 months ago. It seems …

Why is my cat still traumatized by the floor? Not rated yet
I know the reason for the problem, fleas, but the last time I felt one touch me was over three months ago. They don't seem to be in the carpet anymore, …

Cat peeing outside box from stress Not rated yet
I took in a stray cat about two months ago. He’s been an angel until we got a new roof put on. I was at work when it was being put on so I could not see …

Cat peeing on carpet not in litter box Not rated yet
I adopted a cat back in Late July, and at first things seemed fine. She had no issues using her litter box which I keep in the bathroom. I got a bit …

Click here to write your own.

Cat pees in litter box and on carpet Not rated yet
I have new cat, about 12 weeks old. She will pee in the litter box once, then the next time on the carpet. She goes back and forth. Why is she not using …

Blind cat poops inside litter box but pees on the floor Not rated yet
My poor baby went blind at 15 years old. I took her to the vet and had a complete senior work up. Everything else is good, with the exception of her eyesight. …

Cat poops but doesn't pee in litter box? Not rated yet
I have three male cats and one female. Two of my males, one neutered and one not, will pee on couches, blankets and everything else. I’ve taken them …

18 year old cat urinating on sofa Not rated yet
My 18-year-old cat has started to urinate on my sofa. She has once done it in front of me! She is a house cat and gets very stressed if she leaves her …

Old, confused cat with thyroid problem Not rated yet
My cat is 18 years old. She started acting odd a few months ago, so I took her to the vet. It turns out she has a thyroid problem. We now have her on medication …

Male Maine Coon with yellow urine Not rated yet
My daughter's male Maine Coon's urine is very yellow. He has two water bowls and drinks lots. My thoughts: I'm sorry to hear your daughter's …

Female cat peeing on us? Not rated yet
I have a four year old spayed female cat. In the last year, she has peed in a few spots. Six months ago I caught her peeing on my bedroom floor, and then …

Cat likes couch better than box Not rated yet
We have two cats that are sisters and they are almost three years old. They both have been using the litter box in the bathroom for the majority of their …

My cat pees on my couch, same spot all the time Not rated yet
My cat is neutered, and we have a clean litter box. He is a male cat. He's four years old, but this last year he continuously pees on the couch. I even …

15 year old neutered male cat spraying, urine has no smell Not rated yet
I took in a 15 year old, neutered male cat two years ago. He has begun spraying in 2 or 3 locations. I quickly clean it up, but there is no smell to …

Cat peeing in her own bed area Not rated yet
I have a cat that was dropped off in the country and adopted us. She is an outdoor cat and lives in our garage. She bites when we pet her or try to pick …

My cat is peeing on the beds Not rated yet
My Cat is a female and 18 years old. She's good for her age and can get about ok. She has a litter box which we keep outside and she's got a cat flap so …

My cat is urinating by the litter box Not rated yet
I have 3 litter boxes and 3 cats. I keep them clean and scoop every other day. I had 4 boxes and it didn't matter. I recently bought a twin size washable …

My cat is peeing everywhere after she had kittens! Not rated yet
My cat is 1 and just had her first litter of kittens 2 weeks ago. She is my only cat so she is the only one who uses her litter box. But ever since …

My cat is urinating blood Not rated yet
My cat seems to be trying to urinate, takes a long time and then has only a small amount with blood. My Thoughts: Please take your cat to …

My cat pees in the house on the tile floor Not rated yet
I have 4 cats. All use the outside or the litter box except one! He is almost 1 year old and is neutered. He is outside 85% of the day, but pees in …

Strong odor and slimy consistency in an elderly cat's urine? Not rated yet
What can cause strong odor and slimy consistency in an elderly cat's urine? Jazzpurr is and elderly 14 + year old male cat. He is otherwise healthy …

Older cats weeing with kitten in house Not rated yet
Older cat who is 13, other cat who is about 5 are weeing everywhere. I feel like I'm cleaning up after them about 3 times a day. My kitten is 7 months …

19 year old cat misses box! Not rated yet
Until about 6-7 months ago our cat, Chip, used her box for 18 years without any messy misses. Now, each visit leaves a puddle outside the box. I …

My 4 month old male kitten is peeing on our bed Not rated yet
What does it mean when our 4 month old kitten pee pees on our bed and on us. He is litter trained. He started this last month. We don't know if he is …

Neutered male cat urinating in multiple rooms Not rated yet
Our one and a half year old male cat we have had since a kitten has started to urinate in our lounge, the dining room and under my bed in the bedroom. …

Peeing directly in front of litter box Not rated yet
This is Tallie's complicated history of peeing directly in front of her litter box. A year ago, Tallie, my ten year old cat, peed on the floor of my …

Older Maine Coon peeing where other cat goes (carpet) Not rated yet
My older Maine Coon cat has recently started peeing on the carpet where my other cat has been using the rug to go potty. Is there a reason why? My

Cat peeing all over house! Not rated yet
I have 2 Calico cats who have been together since birth (they came from the same litter). I love them to pieces! One of them has been peeing ALL over …

My cat is peeing on everything! Not rated yet
Hi my name is Jennifer and I have a 6 year old male Doll face shaded silver Persian cat named Cash (Cashmere). He is the only cat in the house and I …

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My cat urinates on my couches Not rated yet
My cat urinates on my couches even though she knows where the litter box is. My cat is 2 years old and we have had her since she was a kitten. We have …

Cat peeing outside the litter box on floor Not rated yet
My male, neutered cat (rescue) is probably about two years old. Lately he has started peeing on the floor, probably every four days or so. At first …

7 year old cat pees on rugs, clothes and couch! Not rated yet
My Himalayan cat, Roman, has a urine problem. The back story goes as this: When he was a kitten and I was training him, also at the time of spaying/declawing …

Using the furniture for a litter box Not rated yet
I have a male and female cat. The male tends to be my cat and the female is more my husband's cat. Just recently, in the last 6 months, the female who …

Male cat pees half in litter, finishes on carpet Not rated yet
4 year old male pees half in the litter, gets out and then finishes on carpet. Every once in a while our four year old male cat will use his …

My cat peed on me Not rated yet
My cat Trixie is a little over a year or so old. She has been litter trained a while now. We have lived in my new house since January and now it's August. …

Cat poops in litter box, pees beside box Not rated yet
I have a 13 year old female cat, that for no known reason has ever had a heat. She's a totally indoor cat. She has never been a problem in any way what …

Cat suddenly peeing outside the box! Not rated yet
I have a 15 year old Persian. I adopted him when he was 11 years old. He has never had litter box issues for as long as I've had him until recently. …

Cat urinates on the same place on the bed Not rated yet
Our cat, Shady, a rescued kitty we have had for two years, has started peeing on our bed and always in the same location. We have washed the bedding …

Cat pees on floor? When she has been going in litter box Not rated yet
I have two cats and they love and play with each other. Now all of a sudden our youngest cat Gismo is peeing all over the floor. She was only doing …

My cat pees everywhere except the litter box, HELP! Not rated yet
Ace is our 2 1/2 year old neutered male cat (not declawed). We have two other male cats approximately 3 1/2 years old, one female dog (puggle), and one …

My Cat Urinates On The Cupboards Not rated yet
2 Year old cat, overweight, has suddenly in the last 3 months started peeing on the counter tops in the kitchen. Then, today my son called and said …

My cat pees right in front of her litter box! Not rated yet
For the last year our cat has occasionally (once every few months) urinated right in front of her litter box. Now that it is winter, and a very cold …

My cat peed on the floor and hes box trained! Not rated yet
My kitten Mclovin is about 5 months old and has always used his box with no problem. This morning he was prowling around, went into his cat tent and …

UTI stopped box use Not rated yet
How do I get my cat to start using her litter box again? She stopped after 15 years of normal use, because of a prolonged UTI. She is 15 and is in the …

Help! My female kitty is peeing on back door and wall Not rated yet
I have a two year old female kitty who is peeing outside the litter box on my back door and in my bedroom on the wall. These two places mainly. I have …

Cat peeing in my bed Not rated yet
We recently moved into a house and one of my cats is now urinating on our bed she is a year old always been a clean cat. Is it because we moved? My …

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Litter Box Problems

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