My cat doesn't know how to pee

by Rima

I'm having a problem with my kitten. He's almost six months old but has a really big problem whenever he uses the litter box.

Every time he goes to pee, he seems to not know how to stand properly. Therefore, he gets pee all over his fur and private areas and I'm forced to clean him with wipes every time he goes to the toilet.

I took him to the vet and he said that he'll learn to stand once he's older but it's been so long I'm afraid he'll stay like this. Please if you know what I can do I'd really appreciate it.

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Feb 12, 2019
Poor Kitty
by: Ellyb

I think I would get a second opinion. Plus, did the vet do a thorough evaluation to make sure her body is functioning well and kitty's anatomy is normal.

I hope you find some answers. You may be able to call a college with a veterinary provide you with suggestions or a vet to visit who does urinary tracts as a specialty.

Good luck

P.S. you may want to try a different litter, like paper. etc.

Jan 29, 2019
male cat problem sitting
by: James D

I would go to a vet that only sees cats, not a general vet. He may have a blockage which can cause him to push hard to go.

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