Cat Coloring Pages

Cat coloring pages are a very sought after item online. In addition to being fun for people of all ages, coloring a picture of a cat or kitten can be relaxing. It can also be a great learning or teaching tool.

Cat coloring pages are a fun way to pass the time, but they can be much more than just that.

They can be therapeutic and relaxing, a great educational tool, and even a conversation piece.

Coloring a simple picture of a kitten can be used as a fun way to teach children many things...

Children can learn attention to detail, and excited emotions can be calmed. Wandering minds can be entertained and learn focus, and hand eye coordination can be improved.

Completing the coloring of a page can foster a sense of accomplishment, and uncover artistic tendencies that you would not otherwise have seen. Completed works can be displayed and admired, which helps to boost self esteem. There's nothing quite like seeing your artistic own creations on the refrigerator or wall.

They can also be a springboard to other learning activities, such as the differences between human and animal anatomy (paws, whiskers, claws, and tails), letters of the alphabet (c is for cat, k is for kitten, p is for paw), differences between animals, and many other topics.

Artistic expression can also be a great outlet for almost anyone, young or old. It tends to relax, stimulate positive emotions, and often helps to remove obstacles when problem solving. If you feel stressed when trying to come up with a solution to a problem, go color some pictures and come back to it later.

Below are links to some web sites with coloring pages (with cat and kitten themes, of course) that you might enjoy...

Coloring Pages -- Over 40 pages to choose from.

More Coloring Pages -- More feline pages to color (other animals too).

Tiger -- Tigers at Free Kids Coloring.

Cat and kitten -- More free downloadable coloring pages found at Free Kids Coloring.

Surf Net Kids -- More coloring pages for you to enjoy.

If you're interested in going beyond coloring inside the lines, take a look at these resources on how to draw a cat. That page includes some resources for digital tutorials and might be of interest to those who want to draw cartoon cats as well.

The Florida's Animated Alphabet is a PDF coloring book with a page on the Florida panther. It also has many other animal coloring pages with a brief introduction to each animal, including an alligator, a turtle, and a butterfly.

Fun cat stuff

Cat Facts

Cat Lovers Only

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