Unprovoked cat biting

by Anonymous

Hello! My roommate and I have adopted a male stray cat a month and a half ago. He is not completely unadapted to humans. He was spending a lot of time in a coffee shop nearby.

We had him neutered a month ago, and he seems to be in good health. Ten days ago we started having a problem with him. Whenever we sit to chill on the couch, he comes to us and starts biting really hard.

It is not provoked by petting, because it starts as soon as he sits beside us. We are trying to ignore it and distract him with a plush toy which helps in some way. He bites it and scratches it with his hind legs, but sometimes returns to bite us.

This behavior lasts for about a minute or so, then he starts grooming and usually falls asleep. He is very active, but gets a lot of playing sessions, at least 3 times a day and we are trying to schedule them. Is there a way to address this problem properly and stop this behavior permanently?

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That's a tough one
by: Jim W.

Since he's getting a lot of attention and playtime already, that's a hard one. One thing you can try is a kitty timeout of sorts. As soon as he bites, pick him up (if possible) and put him in another room.

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