Should I give my cat more food if he still hasn't finished what I gave him yesterday?

by Riley
(New Mexico)

I give my cat a 1/2 cup of dry food every morning. Normally by the next morning, the bowl is empty or just has a few kibbles left. But today, there's about 1/4 of what I usually give him left!

He coughed up a hairball this morning, so I'm wondering if maybe he just hadn't been feeling well enough to eat because that was in his system.

So my question is this: When this happens, should I just add another 1/2 cup of food anyway? Should I take the leftover food and only add enough new food to make 1/2 cup? Thanks in advance!

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Feeding cat
by: Anonymous

I'd leave the food, until he, she eats it.
Avoid wasting cat food.

You can just top it off
by: Sally F.

I would add enough to make 1/2 cup for the day. See how it goes. If he eats it all and is hungry later, you can give him a snack if you like. If he's sick, though, he may not eat much or at all.

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