My cats are coughing

by Lion Teoh

My cats recently have been coughing and vomiting water and saliva. It's already been one week. Recently we moved to a new house. Unfortunately, sunlight is unable to shine into the house, so it's because my cats aren't getting any of the sunlight. What can I do to help? Thank you.

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May 30, 2019
My cats are coughing
by: Lion Teoh

Thank you for all the advice.

May 30, 2019
Cats are Coughing
by: Ellyb

Hi, I would suggest you take your cats to a vet immediately. 7 days is a long time for them to be that sick. They are probably dehydrated or may have gotten into something in your new house which is poisonous.

The bast of luck to you and your kitties.

May 23, 2019
Get them to a vet
by: Jim W.

I'm not a vet, but I've never heard of lack of sunlight causing these symptoms. I would take them to a vet to get them checked out.

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