My cat is not eating or drinking!

by Bjarne
(Isle of Wight)

Hi, I think I might have a serious problem on hands, my 6 year old cat (Hans) stopped eating 2 days ago after being sick all over the place.

He has been on the toilet a couple of times, very runny and it looks like there is a lot of blood in the stool. He doesn't drink any water either, not at all himself. Hope you can give me an idea?

Many thanks

Bjarne Jorgensen

Editor's note: Yes, Bjarne, you have a serious problem with your cat there. Your cat needs to see the veterinarian immediately.

Anytime your cat does not eat for more than a day, your veterinarian should be called. If your cat stops drinking, or has blood in the stool, you should take him to the vet right away.

If he's not drinking he's in danger. If he's bleeding on top of that, he's in big trouble and likely won't last long. With diarrhea, vomiting, and not drinking, he'll dehydrate quickly and need fluids.

Please take him to the vet today. Do not wait!

As far as a diagnosis, only your vet can do that. He may have a tumor or any one of many other conditions.

I'm sorry to hear that Hans is sick, and I hope he gets better quickly. Please let us know how he makes out.

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Apr 23, 2013
My cat has same symptoms. So sorry I know how you must feel
by: Anonymous

So sorry to hear my cat kitty about the same age is having the same problem. All these people saying take to the vet right away. I have no money.

I am about to surrender her to the animal shelter with much regret because she is the sweetest thing ever. But suffering. Does anybody know a vet that doesn't cost a fortune, to tell you the cat has an incurable disease?

Editor's note: I'm sorry to hear about this. Have you called around to local veterinary clinics to see if they'll accept a payment plan?

Have you called your local shelters and rescue groups to see if they know of any vets locally that would work at a discount or accept a payment plan?

That is where I would start.

If you can get on a payment plan, you can figure out how to get the money later. If your cat is not eating or drinking, however, she won't last long.

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