Moving indoor-outdoor cats from a house to a 5th wheel?

by Anonymous

I have two cats, a male and female, both fixed. I travel. The cats have free roam at home, i.e. cat doors to go in and out. How will they react to moving to a 5th wheel?

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Hard to say
by: Jim W.

Some cats travel well, but many don't. It's best if they've been used to traveling from the time they're kittens, but some adult cats can learn to adjust to travel also.

I've known people who pack up their whole families, cats, dogs, and guinea pigs included, and travel for months.

Do your cats hate car rides? Many do. I would test out their love or hate for car rides. Put them in the truck and get them used to short trips around the block at first. Then go for longer rides.

Reward them with treats and scratches. See how that goes.

I'd hang out with them in the 5th wheel trailer and see how they do. Let them get their scent all over it and play with toys in there. Cats feel better when things smell like them. Short amounts of time at first, and then longer each week.

It's all up to the cats from there on out. Happy travels!

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