Male cat has circular bald patch on belly area - please help!

by Ciel

Bald patch

Bald patch

I have a two-year-old indoor male cat (desexed). I noticed this bald patch in the belly area today and not too sure what it is. He is not in pain and the skin is not red or broken.

It is on his left where I think the nipple is supposed to be so I am not too sure if there is just not a nipple or what it is. The nipple on his right side is prominent and same with his other ones.

This patch just looks bald and flat. Please see the pictures attached. Greatly appreciate advice, thanks.

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Mar 27, 2024
Cats have belly buttons
by: Anonymous

A small bald patch with slightly different skin texture and found at the center of their mid to lower abdomen may likely be your cats belly button! If it's not irritated or growing in size, it's very likely just your cats belly button. If you're concerned though, always good to get it checked out.

Jan 27, 2020
by: Randy

Not sure from the pix, but looks like ringworm to me. Would need to see the cat.

Home remedy is Coconut Oil. Get a Q-tip or cotton ball and smear some on the affected spot 2-4 times a day. Use a fresh Q-tip each time.

You should see improvement in a week. Continue treatment for at least a week after all symptoms have subsided.

It works. Currently treating the ear of my cat right now. Hair is growing back, rough scaly patch is gone and she is not scratching her ear anymore.

Jan 27, 2020
Allergy, excessive grooming?
by: Sally F.

Bald patches can be caused by various skin conditions. It could be an allergic reaction to food or something your cat came in contact with, or it could be due to excessive grooming. If it persists, or if your cat develops other signs of problems, I'd consult a veterinarian.

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