Is there any way to encourage my cat to hang around me more?

by Marek Lukowksi
(Poland, Warsaw)

My cat seems to be only interested in me paying attention to her, and petting her. Otherwise, she waits a bit, walks around then leaves to her sleeping place which is a remote spot that she found for herself.

I'd like her to spend more time around me, even just lying around or falling asleep somewhere closer than the place she retreats to every time.

I've tried moving her bed, blocking the steps (it's a spit-level room and she sleeps upstairs) but she jumped all the blockages, so it didn't seem to be a good idea to take it away from her, once she loves it so much there.

She generally seems very happy, although I've adopted her just a few weeks ago. Before that she lived with some 7-8 cats and when her owner passed, the daughter took care of the cats for a few months. Then I came, and since then she's been here with me as an only cat. She looks like she got used to the new area, but I'm no expert.

Does she always retreat because she didn't have enough time to completely feel safe in the new environment - and that's why she needs the petting as well?
Or is this totally normal behavior, and maybe it's just how she is?
Is there anything I could do to encourage her to hang around more, or just sleep anywhere else, other than her own spot?


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Food usually helps
by: Jim

Cats can take a long time to get used to a new home, but I find that feeding them some treats at the same time each day helps to bring them closer faster. Toys help, too. You'll have to experiment to see which toys and which treats work best.

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