Introducing kitten and dog

by Anonymous

I rescued a kitten that I am giving to a couple that already has a dog. This kitten gets along very well with my dogs, but my question is do I introduce the kitten to their dog at their house or should I have them bring their dog to my house first?

I will tell you that their dog has been around a cat before. Their cat passed away recently and the difference is the cat was already in the home when the puppy arrived, so this is the reverse situation.

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I would bring the dog over
by: Jim W.

For the first meeting, I would bring the dog over to see the kitten in the kitten's usual surroundings.

In truth, kittens are pretty adaptable, and it may not matter, but given that cats are very territorial, I think it's better to have the kitten at his current home.

The dog should be on a leash and under control, and the kitten should be allowed to set the tone. Good luck and thanks for rescuing!

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