Information about Siamese eye problems?

by Lora Wallingford
(Georgetown, Ohio)

Playful Nancy June

Playful Nancy June

Does anyone have knowledge about Siamese eye problems? Nancy June came into our life last August. She is 1/4 Siamese, but looks 100%. She is wonderful, sweet, and kind. A true beauty. She is 1 year and 1 month old.

I noticed when she came here, she had an odd way of looking at people and things. Her head is always moving, as are her eyes. They are not crossed. I can tell she has to adjust her sighting for both near and far distances.

I have read that there are several eye problems inherent to Siamese. I came across a site that explained the maladies.

I think she has Nystagmus (pendular). It is the head bobbing, moving eyes description that seems to fit her the best.

My question: Is this a lifelong problem or does she grow out of it? Regardless, we love her so, and she will always be with us. I only hope for her sake, comfort and health that this is a passing situation.

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Jul 06, 2018
Siamese kities
by: Danielle

Hi. I've had five siamese cats through the years(three are at the rainbow bridge). Out of the five, four of them have had the constant eye movement. Their eyes kind of wiggled back and forth slightly. Had them checked out at the vet and they said each time that it was a siamese trait & their eyes were healthy. It didnt affect their eye sight too badly cause I never noticed any problems with their eyes. I have a 2 month old siamese kitten right now & he doesn't seem to have the "eye wiggle" issue that my other meezers had. I would take your kitty to the vet to be checked out if you havent already. My meezers never did the headbob thing. Take care of your meezer!!!

Jul 03, 2018
Siamese Kitty
by: Anonymous

Sometimes a bobbing head means a kitty had a stroke and that can affect their eyes. A Vet should conduct a full examination.

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