How to find a cat after falling off the balcony?

by Aleksandar
(Novi Sad, Serbia)

My cat is a neutered female, 11 months old. She showed signs of wanting to go outside, but she never went out before. Nine days ago, she fell off the balcony from the 3rd floor.

When we came down to find her, we didn't see her. Since then, we have been looking for her 24/7 and put up around 500 posters in the neighborhood.

We can't find her and no one has seen her. It is her first time outside. We are all desperate without her, we can't sleep.

I want to know if it is normal the cat is missing that long. Is there any chance she will come back and are there tips on how to find her faster (although, I think we've done it all)?

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lost kitty
by: Anonymous

check when neighbors on the downstairs ground level apt are home.
Mine fell off and was hiding on patio below just hiding

as you have found out do not ever let them on a balcony

i was lucky and mine was alright

good luck

I'm sorry to hear your cat is missing
by: Kurt (Admin)

Cats often don't go far in these situations, so it's possible she's close by and hiding. If she's injured or scared, she may not want to come out of hiding. Some recommend placing your cat's litter box outside, as well as some food with a strong smell to attract her (tuna may work).

Here are some tips and resources on finding a lost cat. I hope she's OK and I hope you find her soon.

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