How should I go about getting my cat used to a temporary resident?

by F
(Greenville, SC)

I’m adopting a new cat to train as my ESA over the summer and bring to college with me. I would do this with my current cat, Loki, but I need to be able to take the cat on walks outside since dorms are so cramped.

Loki is deathly (without exaggeration) allergic to grass and can’t be out for more than half an hour. He also isn’t well suited to do what I need out of an ESA.

I know how to introduce and monitor them. However, I’m not sure how Loki will react when I take the new cat to college with me. Should I be concerned over both me and the new cat leaving?

I live in a family of five so he would still have the rest of the family. I just want to make sure I do everything I can to adjust him.

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Do some trial separations?
by: Sally F.

After the two cats get used to each other, you could do some trial separations by taking the new cat out with you for a while. Ask other family members to see how your current cat reacts. You can do longer and longer separation periods and that may give you some insight as well as reassure you that your current cat will be fine when the time comes.

On the other hand, most cats adjust when another cat is removed from the house. The adjustment may take a while, or it may be almost instant.

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