How do I care for a pregnant cat?

by Briceyda Alas
(Los Angeles)

My mom recently rescued a female cat on February 12. She took her to the vet to get a checkup, get treatment for a wound she had, and to see if she had an owner or was pregnant. Luckily, she wasn’t by that time.

My sister has a male cat and he wasn't neutered until March 2, and we couldn’t spay her because of the wound she had and because she was really skinny.

My mom gave her to me as a gift for my 18th birthday. She started acting weirdly aggressive and her hair was falling out (the vet said she’s a Maine Coon), so I decided to take her yesterday to the vet to get treatment and they took x-rays because they thought she was pregnant. The results came back positive.

She wasn’t able to get treatment for scabies and a skin infection because they were afraid to harm the babies. The thing is that I don’t know anything about cats giving birth. I’m not sure how to help or what to do.

She’s 45 days and might give birth next month because the babies aren’t well developed yet. My concern is am I supposed to help her deliver the babies? How do I do that?

The vet gave me a special diet and told me to make a birthing box but I don’t know how? My sister said to put her in a cage but I said no. I’m really worried because my graduation is coming up and I’m stressing over this. I want her to deliver healthy babies but how do I help?

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Your vet can help answer this
by: Jim W.

Your veterinarian should be able to give you more details on how to care for your cat. A birthing box can be as simple as a box with a blanket in it, placed in a closet or other private area. Mother cats usually choose their own spots to give birth, though, and they also move their kittens after.

Some vets recommend feeding pregnant cats kitten food because they need extra nutrition during this time and right after birth. Unless something goes wrong, cats handle the birthing process. Get some guidance from your vet.

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