How did my 6 month old kitten die?

by Zunaira Azher

My kitten's name was Kitkat. He was a very energetic and playful lovely kitten. He loved going outside, but our backyard has a lot of plants and trees.

He always used his litter box properly from the first day. Last week, Kitkat pooped on my bed. I was kind of confused but I didn't think it was a really big deal.

The next day, he was super lazy. I thought he was just tired. By nighttime, he barely moved and started shivering. I covered him with warm blankets and let him sleep.I thought I could take him to the vet in the morning.

The next morning, he seemed better, but I didn't want him going outside just in case. Someone in my family let him out accidentally I think and I was unaware.

I searched around the house for him and was really worried. My dad went outside and found him under a bush, dead. I was absolutely devastated.

I was completely unaware that he was sick to the point of death. Everything happened so sudden and fast. I am still not able to believe this. He was a one of a kind cat and I can't even think of getting another kitten for some years.

Unfortunately, I didn't have enough money to check how he died from a vet, so does anyone have any ideas how he possibly died? Thank you.

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Oct 04, 2018
by: Jim W.

I'm sorry to hear about your cat. Just taking a guess, it sounds like your cat may have been exposed to some kind of poison. There's no way to know for sure what kind of poison without a veterinarian's examination (and even that may not give you the details).

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