Cat Name Nightshade

by Crystal

He's quite a silly gymnast!

He's quite a silly gymnast!

Simply put, I loved the name "Nightshade" at the time, and named him even before I saw him. All I knew was that he was solid black; he was a kitten that was chosen from one of my Aunt's litter for me as a gift for when I finally get out of the Mental Institution.

He's supposed to help, because while I was there I kept writing about my cat, Smokie (who we found a few weeks later, and both are home safely), and he's kept it pretty much true because he's one of the best companions anyone could ask for. <3

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Cat named Nightshade
by: Anonymous

Like the woman that started this thread I dealt with mental issues myself – in my case depression. As I came to spend some time alone in my garden because I secluded myself, a wild cat came to live in my garden.

I can't really say I like cats but it's winter and so I started to put out food and shelter since the winters here can get cold.

Today I decided to call it Nightshade and for some reason I Googled this name. I think it is a beautiful name for a secretive wild cat.

I seldom get to see it but often I turn around in my garden and I can see it watching me.

Nightshade really has a thing for tuna – it seems – and I additionally stocked up on cat food.

Guess you should never say never since I was sure I'd never have a cat ;-)

Just like my cat
by: Andrew

I really like the name you chose. My cat looks very similar to yours. Black cats are very nice looking

That's a great name!
by: Kurt (Cat Lovers Only Admin)

Thanks for contributing, Crystal. That's a great name and one I hadn't thought of for the list of black cat names. I'll add it in, and also add it to the main list, which will be published later.

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