Cat fell and was in shock, what should I do?

by Poppy

My cat fell and was in shock, what should I do? I was asleep and my cat was asleep on top of my gecko viv next to me. I heard her be noisy and then she fell.

It was dark so I don't know how or why she fell. I could see how she landed but she started panting and is now just sitting on the floor. She's stopped panting now but every few minutes I hear her take a heavier breath.

She is loafing now on the floor but I'm still worried since she's quite frail. She's 15 but has the body of an older cat. Are there any checks I need to do? Should I take her to the vet tomorrow?

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Nov 14, 2021
Yes, take her to the vet
by: Juan

She may have fallen because she passed out or lost her balance due to some medical condition. Or, she may have just slipped. Either way, cats don't pant until they're overheated or in distress, and a fall can cause injuries you may not see or be able to detect. This is especially true in a 15-year-old cat. I would take her to the vet to be sure.

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