The gang's all here!

by Vivian
(Adel, GA)

These are my 4 inside babies. They, too were all born outside by a stray.

Now I have a total of 8 feral and my 4 inside babies. All 8 outside cats never leave the property with the exception of my beautiful cat named Focker.

He is a gorgeous long haired fur ball black and white. I found him at a gas station in town as a kitten maybe 6 weeks old. It took some coaxing to get him into the carrier.

I put a can of soft cat food in there. After 40 minutes of talking to him he finally went inside. Now he is a beautiful full grown baby. He is the most loveable boy you can imagine.

My inside babies have all been rescued by me in one form or another. I love them all as my own kids. Tigger, Molly, Jojo and Pooh.

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by: Anonymous

Just lovely! I love this photo. These are some beautiful cats! Thanks for sharing.

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