SOS my cat won't poop in her box

by Kaylea

I have an almost 5-year-old DMH cat who I've had since she was 8 weeks old. All of a sudden she has decided to stop pooping in her litter box altogether. She will poop right beside them!

I do have one other cat and three dogs, all of which we have had for at least 2 years. Her problem has started in the last 2 months.

We have three litter boxes spread out in a room that is baby gated away from the dogs. She will pee in her boxes but not poop.

I have cleaned the entire room with urine odor remover, mopped, cleaned and sanitized the litter boxes. After putting fresh litter in the boxes, she peed in one then pooped outside another one.

I've tried different brands of scoopable litter, scented and unscented. I'm at my witts end. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks guys.

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Mar 29, 2020
Replying to comment
by: Original poster

Nothing has changed in our house, no new pets or people interacting with us. She acts just as her normal self, nothing out of the ordinary. She eats and drinks well, gets plenty of love and affection, and does her normal stuff.

Mar 28, 2020
Stressed out or ill?
by: Jim W.

It sounds like maybe she's stressed out about something, or she may have an undiagnosed medical condition. Have there been any changes in the house (or to the people or pets lately)? Is she showing any other signs of illness?

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