Merlin Solves a Puzzle

by George
(Wesley Chapel, FL)

I like this because he is my cat, and I'm proud of him. He's also smarter than most baby humans, since they would just give up trying to get the treats and cry.

Comments for Merlin Solves a Puzzle

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Very cute and funny
by: Poison Ivy

Hahahaha I love the kitty playing around with the puzzle! đŸ§© Merlin would love to play with our cat, Basil! He is very interesting and intelligent so I love that in a cat.All I wanna see is him finishing it!

Smart Cat!
by: Anonymous

What a smart cat! Where did you buy the puzzle?

Too Clever
by: Ed

Persistence pays! Good work, Merlin! Can you tell me where you got your puzzle?

Well that is brilliant!
by: Anonymous

A brick (dog) would have trouble with it.

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