4 out of 5 dentists recommend not letting your cat do this

by Chloe T. Kitteh

4 out of 5 dentists recommend not letting your cat do this!

Here is your Furry Funny Friday Fix

Question: Do you brush your cat's teeth? If so, how often and what kind of brush and toothpaste do you use? Please let us know in the comments!

Or... is your kitty self-serve, like this one...

This cat obviously knows that dental disease in cats is serious business! Veterinarians would approve!

Comments for 4 out of 5 dentists recommend not letting your cat do this

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Jul 11, 2010
Thanks Taho!
by: Kurt (Admin)

Thanks for your input, Taho. I think your situation is like many. Many cats are extremely difficult to handle when nail trimming or brushing teeth or even grooming sometimes. If you're interested, one of our readers posted a great tutorial on clipping your cat's claws. It descries how he got his cat to enjoy the process.

Jul 09, 2010
Brushing your cats teeth
by: Taho

Thank you so very much. I think it would take about 4 people to do my Persian/lynx mix. She is very content on the way she looks. Have to take her to the vet for this, as well as her nail grooming.

Jul 09, 2010
Thanks Ashleigh!
by: Kurt (Admin)

Thanks, Ashleigh, that helps a lot! Thanks for all the detailed information. I think it's very important for people to know about dental disease in cats, and most people I talk to don't even think about it.

Jul 09, 2010
Brush em!
by: Ashleigh

We do. We noticed one of our cats had gums that were a little swollen and reddish. We took him to the vet and found out he had early signs of gingivitis at only 5 years old. He was given an antibiotic shot and a shot to help the swelling.

This worked in about two days and lasted about 2weeks. The vet also gave us Biotene, a daily water additive to help remove plaque. He also recommended brushing his teeth 2-3times a week if possible.

We found a toothbrush and toothpaste kit at the local pet store. The toothpaste is called Pet Dental and it's the only kind they carried. Brushing his teeth is definitely a 2 person job and I was really surprised how it got easier after awhile as he started getting use to it!

Since we have been brushing his teeth and have been using the water additive regularly, his breath smells much better, his teeth look better, and he feels better! So I would definitely recommend brushing your cat's teeth if at all possible. If your cat has no sign of inflammation or discoloration it probably isn't needed as frequently as my guy's.

I hope this was helpful!
Good luck!

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