Set up outdoor cat litter area on currently stone floor in backyard?

by Bernice

What I am building, but the floor is stone to start with

What I am building, but the floor is stone to start with

What litter mix and how deep to set up outdoor cat litter area of 6x3, on top of currently stone flooring? Would 1 foot deep with mix of dirt/pea gravels enough for the urine to sink? Would it be better to have an absorbent layer in the dirt? What would happen when it rains (plan a simple roof top for the cat house enclosure of 6 by 3, 6 feet tall).

The goal is no need to scoop every day, and no smells. But will bleach and flush down the area well at least 2x a year.

From watching various videos, there of course have to be treated wood panels around it so the litter can be held inside first, but I really am not sure how deep that needs to be and what litter? A mix of non-crumbing litter + pea gravels + dirt?

Thanks for any insights.

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Rain may be a challenge
by: Sally F.

I'm trying to picture how this would work and what problems there would be.

I think 1 foot deep is okay, I'm just not sure about how rain would impact things, or what kind of materials would be best. Clay does a good job as litter indoors and outdoors as long as it doesn't get too wet.

No matter what kind of roof you put on it, though, I think there is still the risk of rain making the area unusable for the cat to poop or pee in. Mud won't work, and it has to be able to dry out quickly without losing all the material out the bottom. So that's a potential issue.

Maybe you need some kind of lattice or grid at the bottom with smallish drain holes, then rocks on top of that, then whatever you're going to use for litter on top of that.

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