I don't know what to do about my grieving cat

by Mike
(Eau Claire, Wisconsin US)

I have a 9-year-old DSH female. Her 15-year-old companion (male) who was diabetic passed away at home just 6 days ago on 05/26/2020.

She has been isolating herself since her companion passed away. She is mostly just laying on the comforter that her companion always slept on.

I am concerned about her now being the only cat in the house and that she is and will be lonely. She has never been without a friend.

Should I adopt a companion for her? I am willing to do anything for her. I would be greatly thankful for any advice. Thank you so much.

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I'm sorry for your loss
by: Sally F.

I'm sorry for your loss, and I appreciate your dedication to your cat's well being. I would try to comfort her as much as possible, distract her, if possible, and give her a bit of time to grieve. Then, if it feels right to you and for her, adopt a younger cat and introduce them the right way (keep them separated at first and do a slow introduction).

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