Featured Kitties for November, 2014

Say meow to the featured cats for November, 2014. These pictures were all contributed by visitors who want to show off their babies. Enjoy and show them some love!

Sleeeeepy Tiiiiiiime

Ashe sleeps like this all the time. lol

~Erica Whittaker

Ashe tabby kitten sleeping

Mad Kitty Love

Milo (left) and Autumn (right) absolutely love each other.

~Jolee Marie Spencer‎

Milo and Autumn


My boy.

~Natalie Dawn Berry

kitty on his back


My baby Lily.

~Brandon Marshall

Lily tabby and white

Tuffy the Fluffy

My cute tuffy.

~Faraz Ibrahim


Keep on Truckin'

Punkin... our trucking cat.

~Donna Gray‎

Punkin the trucking cat

The Boss

This is Tigger, the boss.

~Garrett Hodges‎

Tigger the tabby and white

What's Up Doc?

My kitty Gingey and his best friend Bugsy boy.

~Chloe-anne Rogers

Gingey and Bugsy

Cuddle Bugs

Sister's Maggie and Puff.

~Jeanne Callahan

Maggie and Puff

Play Time!

Elvis and Pepper playing! Love them.

~Lori Trowbridge Krosky

Elvis and Pepper


This is my baby Pebbles. She just turned five in human years!

~Mary Theobald

Pebbles the tabby

The Dreamland Express

My little Sasha in dreamland.

~Suzanne Thunstedt‎


Baby Sitting

Joey and Nala.

~Kirsty Preston

Joey and Nala

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