Treatment For Diarrhea In Cats

Since diarrhea in cats may be a symptom of more serious conditions, the diagnosis will depend upon the underlying cause.

Likewise, treatment may depend upon the cause as well.

Obviously, you need to follow your veterinarian's advice on treatment options. If your cat's diarrhea is caused by a serious illness, for example, then that illness must be treated.

Treating Diarrhea in Cats

Just as in humans, occasional bouts of diarrhea in cats are not totally unexpected. Cats are curious, and tend to get into things, some of which may upset the intestinal tract.

Prolonged, chronic or frequently recurring instances, however, may require treatment. Some health conditions may cause alternating diarrhea and constipation. If your cat doesn't consume enough water, the dehydration caused by the diarrhea may even lead to constipation.

If you want to review more on the basics, including the causes and symptoms, those are covered in our discussion on feline diarrhea, but here's a quick rundown on causes... food poisoning or ingestion of foreign matter, intestinal parasites, infections, and changes in diet.

Abrupt changes in diet can cause stomach upset, so typically you want to change your cat's diet a little more slowly. Stress can play a role, and of course, various illnesses, such as irritable bowel syndrome can be a cause.

If your cat has diarrhea:

Discover the cause

Unless the cause is fairly obvious, you'll need your vet to make a diagnosis.

What is causing your cat’s diarrhea? If you think it was caused by a change in diet, put your cat back on her former diet. Table scraps? Don't feed your cat anything with spices or sauce (some would say not to feed your cat human food at all).

If you suspect she's eaten something toxic, get her to a vet immediately. Have your vet's emergency number easily available. You can also contact the Animal Poison Control Center.

For chronic or recurring cases, work with your vet to determine the cause and course of treatment for the underlying condition.

Prevent dehydration

To prevent dehydration, ensure that your cat is drinking plenty of water. Fresh water should be available to your cat 24 hours a day, but it's especially important during bouts of diarrhea.

Reduce your cat's stress level

Do what you can to reduce your cat's stress level, and give your cat extra attention and affection during this time.

PetWellBeing offers a product designed to treat diarrhea in cats. BM Tone-Up Gold is a safe, herbal remedy designed to regulate your cat's intestinal functions. They employ holistic veterinarians to develop formulas, and some cat owners have had success with it.

Related Topics

Symptoms and causes of feline diarrhea
Feline inflammatory bowel disease
Cat illness symptoms

Cat Health

Cat Lovers Only

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