Sally Jean Millsaps

by Sam Millsaps
(Sweetwater TN)

Sally Jean 1997 to -----

Sally Jean 1997 to -----

I found her on a bridge with ice on her fur and not eating on her own. I took her home and carried her in my pocket and fed her with a bottle until she was big enough to eat on her own and she's been with me since then now 13 years.

She travels with me even camping and trail riding. She does great on a leash, in crate, comes when called. I call her my Tennessee Manx as well as my best friend. She has been through a lot in her life, liver failure, kidney failure and now had to have all her teeth pulled and she springs right back and ready to go.

For who ever discarded her at such a tender age I hate what they did but I feel blessed and privileged to have her.

Love You For Ever Sally Jean !!!!!

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by: cecile

Hi, your story is so touching. I have a 9 pound small calico cat. She is such a doll and her name is Sally like yours. She's the love of my life.

by: Anonymous


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