Female cat constantly runs to the litter box to pee but can't

by Anonymous

Casey will go back and forth probably 10+ times in a 30-minute span to the litter box and try to pee, but only gets a couple of drops to come out but that's it. And it's an all-day thing.

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Aug 26, 2019
by: Randy

Yep, I think it's a UTI also. My male cat had exactly the same symptoms a couple months ago. A UTI in a cat makes them feel like they have to pee constantly, but the bladder is actually empty.

The vet will probably give you liquid antibiotics. Cat didn't mind the taste, so, instead of having to squirt it in his mouth with a syringe, I mixed it with his food. He was fine in a week or 10 days.

Could be a blockage, but not as likely if the cat drinks sufficient water. Add water to wet (canned) food. Don't feed them dry unless for a snack. Cats rarely drink enough water, which increases the chances of a UTI or urinary tract blockage.

Aug 25, 2019
Remedy for urinary tract infection
by: Anonymous

The homeopathic remedy Cantharis is good for urinary tract infections. The potency that can be used is 6C, 12C or 30C. I would give it to my cat if she needed it every 1/2 hour for 6 times, then if she still is not urinating, every hour for 4 times until she starts to urinate. If she is not urinating by the next day, get to a vet immediately. If she starts to urinate, cut down to two times a day for one day, then once every other day for a week. Then stop and see how she is doing.

Aug 25, 2019
Get to the vet
by: Sally F.

That sounds like a cat with some sort of urinary tract infection, deformity, or injury. Please take her to the vet as soon as possible.

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