Where to keep my cats during vacation?

by Anonymous

This is kind of a long-winded background but I'll try to keep it as short as possible. lol~

I have two cats, a 3.5 year old Scottish Fold who I've had since he was 3 months, and an 11-month-old tabby kitten who I've had since he was about 4 months old. The fold was from a friend who had a litter, and the tabby is a shelter kitty.

I've never been away from them for more than 3 to 4 days. I usually have my parents/brother stay with them or check in on them when I'm gone (usually about twice a year when I go on vacation).

This year though, my brother got his PhD, and we are celebrating by going abroad for a week.

Now, if it was a couple days, I would leave them with their vet. They've been there before (although they don't like it lol~), the vets and technicians are there 24/7, and the facilities are nice and clean.

The problem is that for the cats, they have to stay in separate spaces, since it's typically used for patients and the spaces are smallish (since most of the cat patients are in there to recover).

On the other hand, I have a close friend who runs a cat hotel. There, they could be in the same room with plenty of space. (Plus my friend will watch them for free haha!). And since she's one of my best friends, I can count on her and trust her.

I know it seems like a no-brainer, but the little one is still *very* attached to me. He knows that if he goes to the vet, I'll be back for him, but will it stress him out a lot if I put him in the hotel?

He stayed in a similar place when he was a stray, and since it hasn't been that long since I've adopted him, I know he's probably still a little unsure about his situation (that he has a permanent home with me).

Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated!

BTW, the fold is a totally relaxed boy; not worried about him. lol~ He knows I'm his personal slave for life already.

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by: OP

Thanks for your reply. I neglected to mention that I couldn't find anyone to pet sit, which is why I'm stuck with the 2 choices. Otherwise, as you said, I would 100% leave them at home and have someone take care of them!

Leaving your pet to go on vacation
by: Anonymous

The best place for any pet is in their own home...
A pet sitter is the best way to go, someone that u trust, could even be less costly that way also. Just leave instructions & the name of your Vet. & a letter in case they have to go see one signed with your name...

Thanks Sally and Jo-An
by: OP

Thanks for the replies! I thought the hotel option might be better too, but wasn't quite sure how the little one would handle it. I'll miss them so much! Lol

Vacation Kitties
by: Jo-An

I would take both kitties to the Kitty Hotel. As long as both are together, the younger kitten will have security in that he has a 'forever' home still. This is a much better option all around for both kitties.

Cat Hotel
by: Sally F.

If the vet had a separate boarding area away from the patients, that would be one thing, but I wouldn't put them through the stress of being in there with sick animals for any longer than was necessary. I also think it's better for them to be together. I'd go with the cat hotel.

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