New mom cat in heat is peeing

by Jess
(Central coast)

My cat had 2 kittens a fortnight ago. I am aware that I cannot have her de-sexed for another 4 weeks.

She is on heat and just peed all over the couch, the coffee table and myself. It even went in my ear! It was like a water bomb.

I have placed her in a bedroom where her kittens are with her food, water and kitty litter and have closed the door. What can I do?

Any advice would be helpful. Thank you in advance.

My thoughts: In the short term, I think confining her to a room with her kittens is probably the way to go. I would consider the possibility that this is a one time incident, but watch her closely.

I would also consider that she may have an infection. If that's the case, then she may need antibiotics, but you'll obviously need to have your vet diagnose her first.

I hope that helps. Please let us know how she comes along.


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Nov 08, 2014
Cat peeing in heat.
by: Anonymous

Your cat is doing this because she is in heat and she is leaving her scent. That is what cats in heat do. Go to Petco or Pet Smart and buy cat diapers and place them on her. That will take care of her until she is out of heat. Another thing, in heat or not, they can do a hysterctomy on her. Please get it done soon because the longer you wait, the possibility of mammary tumors exist. Good luck.

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