How to introduce kitten to boyfriend's dog?

by Lana Arpin

One of my main concerns for getting a cat has been whether or not a living situation would work with my boyfriend's dog. We are not currently living together because we are still in college. However in the next year or so we plan to make the move.

I got a brand new kitten, only eight weeks old. My boyfriend has a nine month old Husky who is very mild temperament and sweet as she can be.

How and when is it best to introduce them and start building the relationship for the times I have the husky over at my place in this next year and when we make our arrangement more permanent, etc.?

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Control is key
by: Kurt (Admin)

Your kitten is adorable! Some of the same concepts in cat-to-cat introductions can apply to cat-to-dog introductions. Keeping them separated at first, and doing a slow and controlled introduction is important.

I don't have a comprehensive post on cat-to-dog introductions at this time, so I'll refer you to this reference guide on introducing cats to dogs and this fact sheet rather than writing it all out.

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