Should I get another kitten for Boomer?

by Hannah

I just turned 20 and I live alone, work full time, and my boyfriend lives with me when he is not at school in the summer. I just adopted a five-month-old kitten from my local shelter. He is very playful, friendly and curious - not shy at all.

The only thing about Boomer (the new kitten) is that I feel bad leaving him alone and getting lonely. I have had cats before - both of them being solo cats who were raised alone and lived content solitary lifestyles.

When I had the other cat, I was home a bit more frequently and my mom was home 80% of the day. I've never owned 2 at once. I am gone for 10 hours most weekdays and home on weekends.

Boomer and I play for at least a 4 hours when I'm home from work every day before I have to go to bed. My mom stops in and visits him for about 30 mins when she can (about 2-3 times a week).

I also am home 70% of the weekend with him playing and just hanging out. I currently live in a small apartment, similar to a studio. He does not seem lonely yet but I've only had him for 1.5 weeks.

I am seriously considering getting a companion but I'm worried about them not having a ton of space and if they will get along/be happy. All I want is for my pet to be happy.

I know introducing another cat is difficult as the cats grow older so if possible I want to do it within a couple of months.

Does anyone have any advice on getting 2 cats? Pros and cons? How long I should wait before another one? Do I need another one?

I don’t necessarily want 2 cats but if it significant upgrades his life then I would. It's a personal and financial responsibility.

I'm young and I am still going to school, and still working on building up my bank account. Please share your opinion on what it's like having 2 cats and whether Boomer needs a brother.

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Get two, they're small
by: Sally F.

I love the idea of having a companion for Boomer. I always say you should get kittens in pairs if you can.

With a few exceptions, such as taking them to the vet, having two cats is not much more work than having one. There's a little more in terms of litter box duties to worry about, and there's the extra expense, but since you're thinking it through, I'm sure you know whether or not you can handle the increased cost of a second kitten.

Since Boomer is so young, he should probably adjust easily to a brother about the same age. Whether or not you have enough space, though, that's hard to say.

There are plenty of people who have two cats in studio apartments, and the companionship for your kitten may outweigh any space concerns. Good luck!

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