Picture: Jonesy and Maggie

by Candace
(South Carolina)

Here are both of my rescues kitties. Jonesy is the orange tabby cat. She was found in a dumpster along with her brothers/sisters.

When I saw her at the local Humane Society adoption event, she placed both her little paws on my face... I couldn't tell her no. She is now 4 years old.

She has a quiet and sweet personality. She will give her tail a quick flick from side to side when she hears her name being called.

She is the one who sleeps near my face and watches over me through the night. Her full name is Ms. Ginger Jones.

Maggie is the black/grey tabby. We just rescued her in November 2011. She and her sister were left at the shelter--outside the gate after hours. It's a miracle that they were still in the box the next morning.

Like Jonesy, Maggie decided that I was not leaving without her. She curled into my lap and fell asleep. She is the wild child of the two. Walks around meowing until we acknowledge her and follows us around like a little puppy.

As you can tell by the picture... they love each other.

Editor's note: Thank you for sharing a little bit about your rescue stories, Candace. And thank you for adopting these adorable little creatures!

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by: JP

You named her after the cat from Alien right? Cool.

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