7 month old male cat being introduced to 6 month old female cat

by Beth
(Pittsburgh, PA)

I have a beautiful white Persian male cat, 7 months old. I recently rescued another all white cat, female, 6 months old, who came from a hoarding situation.

My male cat was always sort of skittish. He is twice the size of the female cat, however, after quarantining the female cat for the first several days/weeks (she had an upper respiratory issue and I took her to the vet but I extended the time because I wanted to be sure she was ok before meeting the male).

Now I let the female out of the room slowly but my male cat runs from her and hides under the bed. It seems like he doesn't want anything to do with her!

Do you think time will fix this? They are both adorable!


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Try play and food
by: Sally F.

Try "happy" activities like play and food to bring them together, and go slowly.

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